*칠드런 슈즈 디스플레이 [ Masquespacio ] Children’s Shoe Exposition for FIMI

발렌시아에서 개최되는 25번째 칠드런 패션, 그리고 그중 꽃을 모티브로 

짝을 이루는 칠드런 슈즈가 디스플레이 된다.

핸드메이드로 제작된 39개의 꽃 설치물은 텐션을 이용 공중에 매달아

생동감 있는 디스플레이를 연출한다.

Masquespacio designed the exposition of children’s shoes for the Spanish International Fair of Children’s Fashion (FIMI) celebrated in Valencia from the 25th until the 27th of January 2013. For this 76th edition FIMI organized an exposition to make a tribute to Spanish children’s shoes brands, counting with the participation of 39 national brands among which were included some brands of international relevance like Gioseppo Kids, Conguitos Goflex and Garvalin.

The exhibition designed by Masquespacio is traduced in a forest of autumn flowers realized of foamboard and with fashion patterns.

The 39 flowers that were hand cut in foamboard contain different patterns and forms that make them flourish like unique, presenting a pair of shoes from every participating brand. Entering to the exposition, corridors were created that guide the visitor across the exhibition, while he enjoys the best Spanish children shoes brands. Thanks to the suspension of the elements with a nylon thread, the flowers twist slowly showing every side from the pairs of shoes exposed.

In the trees provided by FIMI in the meantime they can know the legends behind every brand. In this manner the visitor experiments a moment in which he can disconnect from the rest of the fair, crossing a forest of flowers inspired by autumn and fashion patterns, enjoying a selection of the best Spanish children shoes brands.

Masquespacio with this project desired to demonstrate again creativity has no limits and that it can be a strong factor to sustain visually any product, making it more attractive for its potential buyers.
Briefing about materials and exposure requirements

Date of completion: 24/01/2013
Area: 30 m2
Client: FIMI (Feria Internacional de Moda Infantil)
Website: http://fimi.feriavalencia.com
Address: Feria Valencia – Avenida de las Ferias s/n, 46035 Valencia
Design: Masquespacio (http://www.masquespacio.com)
Address: Paseo de la Alameda 65, 34 B, 46023 Valencia
Designer: Ana Milena Hernández Palacios
Graphic design and exposition designed by Ana Milena Hernández Palacios
Exposition: David Rodríguez from Cualiti (http://www.cualiti.es)
: Masquespacio
: Foamboard, nylon thread and vinyl

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY