*마이애미 사이언스 뮤지엄 [ grimshaw architects ] the patricia and phillip frost museum of science, miami

과학 박물관은 플로리다 남부 지역 생태계를 축소한 야생환경을 전시하는 센터와

수중생태계를 전시하는 아쿠아리움으로 구성된다. 건축가 그림쇼가 제안하는 마이애미

사이언스 뮤지엄은 플로리다의 다습고온의 기후와 생태환경에 반응하는

능동적인 대형 건축환경을 구축에 있다. 환기와 에어컨디셔닝을 위한 고효율 설비 시스템과

더불어 바다로 부터 불어오는 미풍을 건축물 내부로 유입시키기 위한 배치, 그리고

빈번하게 발생하는 태풍 및 강풍에 대비하는 건축물의 형태는 패시브 디자인에서

진보된 지속가능한 건축환경을 구축한다.

대지와의 관계를 밀접하게 유지시키는 건축은

인터네셔널화되며 로컬과 이원화 되는 현재 건축에 또다른 로컬 건축 디자인의

방향성을 제시한다.

reviewed by SJ

centered around the idea of 'building as exhibit', the grimshaw-designed patricia and phillip frost museum of science will contain a 'living core' comprised of an aquarium and wildlife center that act as a microcosm of south florida's local ecology. the new facilities are an architecture of response, complete with vegetated roof surfaces that provide a home to local flora and fauna, shade and shelter and a rain water and gray water collection system.
plaza spaces are energized by the outdoors and complement a constructed wetland used to control storm water runoff. the project aims to create a model of large scale sustainability with high performance ventilation and air-conditioning systems. exterior spaces are oriented to optimize the prevailing breeze afforded by the nearby bay. air movement has also been evaluated for hurricane preparedness and has greatly informed the shape of the building. the heart of the complex is a veritable biosystem, with a tensile fabric membrane roof covering the impressive 'gulf stream tank', a 500.000 gallon tilted conical aquarium that allows visitors to peer through a 30 foot diameter oculus. aside from creating interior effects through the refraction of light through water, the geometric parameters of the resevoir are such that patrons will not be able to perceive the structure's walls, mimicking the environment of the open ocean. engineered for longevity, the form is a monolithic concrete shell reinforced by a radially columned ring beam in the basin's center of mass. while the living core's glazed courtyard and aquarium might frame the starting point of each visit, the museum will also contain science galleries and a planetarium, a prominently round feature of the architecture's formal makeup. the building is served well by public transport, car and pedestrian walkways and is part of a greater 'museum park' neighboring the herzog & demeuron design for the miami art museum, covered in progress by designboom here, as well as the performing arts center and arena. slated to open in spring of 2015, this center will provide an environmental context for a burgeoning intellectual and cultural region of the city by furthering the study of the physical, natural and technological world.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY