*필로티 스포츠 코트 [ Guzmán de Yarza Blache ] Elevated Sports Court

스페인 자라고자에 위치한 Lasalle Franciscanas 쿨의 엘레베이티드 스포츠 코트

프로젝트는 한정적인 학교공간 내에서 스포츠와 레져활동을 보장하는 액티브 스페이스와

부모와 학생들의 안락한 휴식공간을 동시에 만족시키는 이중적인 공간 창출을 위해 진행된다.

상이한 두개의 공간의 간섭을 최소화하는 디자인 진행은 스쿨 정문 앞에 하부 콘크리트 필로티

구조물로 지면으로 부터 들려진 스포츠코트로 계획 및 설계된다.

상부에 위치한 스포츠 코트는 학생들의 스포츠 활동을 보장하는 동시에

하부에 위치한 플레이 그라운드는 학교 정문의 새로운 입구성과

휴식공간을 보장한다. 특히 프리캐스트 콘크리트를 이용하여 구축된

스포츠코트는 공장에서 사전에 약 6주간 콘크리트 블록을 양생 및 제작하여

현장에서 단 며칠만에 조립함으로써 학생들의 불편을 최소화 한다.

여기 스포츠코트의 이중 휀스는 내부로 휘어져 코트 내 공이 외부로 새어가가는

일을 최소화하며 외부에 둘러 설치된 코르텐 스틸 플랜박스의 담쟁이넝쿨과

더불어 자연스럽고 친환경적인 공간을 형성한다. 향후 이 담쟁이넝쿨은 휀스를

뒤덮으며 새로운 그린 메스로 정의 될 것이다.

-스포츠코트를 떠 받치는 굵은 콘크리트 기둥은 아이들에게 고래라는

닉네임으로 불리운다.-

reviewed by SJ

Elevated Sports Court at Lasalle Franciscanas School

The commission is originated by the need from the school to augment the total surface of the courtyard that due to the great amount of students and parents that usually gather during the day, can sometimes obstruct the correct developing of the sports and leisure activities that should take place in it.

"La Ballena" from ImagenSubliminal on Vimeo.

Architect: Guzmán de Yarza Blache
Finishing Date: September 2012
Location: Calle Andrés Piquer 5, Zaragoza.Spain
Client: Lasalle Franciscanas School
Built Surface: 350 sqm
Budget: 290.000 Euros
Contractor: GM Empresa Constructora
Collaborators: Ana Guzmán Malpica, Julien Luengo-Gómez
Quantity Surveyor: Jose Manuel Arguedas
Structure: Josep Agustí de Ciurana, PRAINSA

The courtyard is 33 metres wide by 35 metres long and has a south-east orientation. It is formed by the existing school that has a U form with two wings, one from the 50's and another one from the 70's.

The fact of being a school meant that we had to accomplish the building works exclusively during the summer months. That fact made immediately think about a prefabricated concrete structure that could be built in a couple of days, and that could also solve the 13 meters distance that we wanted to cover in the ground level.

The necessary elimination of the two existing trees in the courtyard gave another of the key drivers of the project; the inclusion of vegetation in the new structure. To do so we have designed a 70 metres long corten steel flower pot from which almost three hundreds of ivy plants grow, that in a few years will have covered the whole metallic bubble.

That metallic bubble is formed with a double layer of galvanized steel, so one of the layers can help the ivy grow while the other one can resist the practice of teenager ball-related sports.

The ground level hosts a garden-bench with an organic shape that includes different species of plants and allows the parents and the students to sit down and observe. The relation of the new volume with the rest of the school also had to be solved, for which a soft 45-meter ramp was designed to connect the ground level with an intermediate level and the elevated court.

Another organic ramp was also included to let the children from the infantile area get out to their courtyard´s zone, also in the ground level and partly under the court.

The later visits to the school have revealed the success of the project and its fast iconic assimilation by the students, who have kindly called it "The Whale".

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY