*스칸다비아 전통양식을 재현하다. [ Di Gregorio & Matz ] an interior in Föhr

오래된 오두막 리뉴얼 프로젝트는 3,200개의 핸드드릴 타일과 블루 폴리프로필렌 로프

500미터로 빛나는 휴일주택을 구성한다. 이러한 변신을 위해

건축가는 다음과 같은 심플하며 독특한 요소 및 재료를 이용한다.

두명의 건축가가 집적 손으로 드릴링한 3,200개의 타일,

500미터의 블루 폴리프로필렌 로프, 파인우드 바닥재

지역의 전통적인 스칸다비아 건축양식으로 영감을 얻은

상부의 프라빗 큐빅- 개인 침실-은 백색으로 마감된

휴일주택과는 사뭇 다른 푸른 컬러의 나무로 마감된

매우 정적이며 고요한 독립적인 사적공간을 완성한다.

이 푸른침실로 부터 반투명한 도어를 통해 뿜어져 나오는

빛은 집안의 랜턴과 같이 독특한 시퀀스를 만들기도 한다.

reviewed by SJ

With 3,200 hand drilled tiles, 500 metres of blue polypropylene rope and a pine wood layer, young architects Francesco Di Gregorio and Karin Matz have recently transformed an old barn into a luminous holiday house.

Francesco Di Gregorio & Karin Matz: an interior in Föhr, Germany
Client: private
Site: Alkersum, Föhr, Germany
Architects: Francesco Di Gregorio, Karin Matz
Construction: NCE Bygg AB
Electricity: Jörg Kottke dba Elektro Kottke
Water plant: Heizungsbau Domeyer
Built Area: 85 square metres
Completion: 2012

Young architects Francesco Di Gregorio and Karin Matz have recently completed the renovation of an old barn in Föhr, a small island in Friesland, Germany. Leaving the brick wall and thatched roof outer shell practically, the young Italian-Swedish duo focused on the conversion of the upper floor into a proper holiday residence. Three simple elements dramatically change the space: a wooden frame covered with 3,200 tiles — drilled by hand by the two architects —, 500 metres of blue polypropylene rope, and a pine wood layer.

"A school of navigation was founded in Föhr in the 17th century," said the architects, "and the use of ceramic tiles arrived to the island via the trips conducted to Asia". Since then, the blue and the green wood commonly used in interior rooms started to be paired with decorative walls made of ceramic elements.

Inspired by this specific vernacular tradition, Francesco Di Gregorio and Karin Matz introduced in the existing building two volumes harbouring the bedrooms, among which stands a large kitchen. Aligning itself with the Nordic tradition, which provides an extremely protected atmosphere for the private areas, the bedrooms here are designed like boxes. Wrapped in a coating of blue wood, and featuring translucent doors, they act like lanterns, illuminating the circulation space.

This interior path is designed as a place for relaxation and flows smoothly into the living area, in which — due to the large ceiling height — the new "intrusions" explicitly reveal their presence.

from  domusweb


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