*아파트 리노베이션 [ Bach arquitectes ] apartment

퍼즐 하우스 리뉴얼 프로젝트는 1910년도에 지어진 오래된 아파트를 최소한의

개입으로 리뉴얼 한다.

많은 부분에서 기존 요소를 유지한채 진행되는 리뉴얼 작업은 오리지널 목가구, 천장재,

하이드릭 세라믹 바닥 타일 등을 보존하며 심하게 마모되거나 낡은 것만 교체하여

기존 공간이 갖고 있는 시간의 흔적을 연장한다.

reviewed by SJ

Spanish architecture studio Bach arquitectes has renewed an apartment in Barcelona's Eixample district, with a series of small, specific interventions that seek to make the most of the space's every corner, in an effort the architects liken to "dealing with a jigsaw puzzle".

The project refurbished an apartment that was originally built in 1910. Despite still featuring many of its original components at the start of the renovation process — original wooden joinery, ceiling rosettes and moulding, and hydraulic ceramic pavement —, most of it was in a severely negligent state. This determined a preservation effort, restoring and conserving as much of the original components as possible, and changing only the spaces that were in severe state of decay.

Thus the architects worked room by room, recessing wardrobes or shifting partitions without modifying the limit of the rooms so that they would gain in functionality without losing their original limits. As much as possible, the original joinery was conserved. The architects converted the long internal corridor into a transit space with storage, with a few simple shelves that stretch the full length of the corridor and with a few low units of the same length.

Given the apartment's generous ceiling height, the en-suite bathroom floor was raised by 60 cm, making room in a single space for the bath underneath the shower as well as a storeroom underneath the floor, accessible from the corridor and next to the kitchen. "This raising of the bathroom also means that in order to access it three steps have to be climbed from the bedroom," state Bach arquitectes, "giving the flat a greater feeling of 'domesticity' by introducing an element that is more typical of a detached family house than of a single-story flat."

Bach arquitectes: apartment refurbishment in Barcelona
Architects:Anna & Eugeni Bach, arquitectes
Completion: 2011
Built area: 130 square metres
Contractor: Petropolis, S.L.
Location: c/ Consell de Cent, 423, Barcelona

from  domusweb


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