*로이 리히텐슈타인 레지던스, 스튜디오 도시정원으로 리뉴얼하다 [ Caliper StudioinShare ] Roy Lichtenstein residence and studio

우리나라에서는 좋지 않은 사건으로 유명새를 탄 로이 리히텐슈타인의

그리니치 하우스, 스튜디오를 소개한다.

기존 금속상점과 차고로 이루어진 두개의 건축물을 1980년대 매입 개조하여

주거및 작업공간으로 사용되었던 곳으로 다시 2007년도에 새롭게 옥상정원의 추가와

부분적으로 리뉴얼 작업이 이루어 졌다.

새롭게 추가된 옥상정원은 6천 스퀘어피트에 달하는 8개의 지붕 중

가장 큰 두개의 지붕을 도시정원으로 구성한 곳으로 도시와

아티스트의 정신을 연결하는 휴식공간으로 제공된다.

로이 리히텐슈타인의 조각품 두점과 푸른 잔디로 뒤덮여 있는

조경공간 그리고 이용자들을 위한 우드테크 여기에 하부에 위치한

스튜디오의 채광확보를 위한 셀타입의 천창이 조화롭게

자리잡고 있다.

reviewed by SJ


Set in historic Greenwich Village, the residence is composed of two low buildings, originally one was a metal shop and the other a garage. The late artist Roy Lichtenstein and his family converted the buildings into their residence and studio in the late 1980s. In 2007 Caliper was brought on board as architects for the restoration and renovation.

The buildings had between them eight roof surfaces totaling 6,000 square feet of aging roof. The two larger surfaces were transformed into a quiet landscape of wall to wall sedum plants within which are set two of Roy Lichtenstein’s sculptures—Brushstrokes and Endless Drip. This newly formed urban sculpture garden is framed by the tall rugged neighboring buildings of Manhattan’s west side. The kitchen and penthouse were rebuilt with dark reflective brick, connecting them is a black locust wood deck curving and stepping above the landscape. This warm wood surface forms a path, a viewing platform and a resting area to enjoy the new garden. The sedum planting continues onto two new concrete shell skylights whose curved form gently diffuses light into the studio below.

Preservation of the artist’s studio was a primary design objective of the project. Careful technical detailing of the building’s envelope along with new climate controls help ensure the longevity of the studio. The quality of the space and its character have been maintained through original artifacts including the artist’s built-in wall easel system and paint splattered floor.
Planted Berm Skylight
Caliper Studio designed, detailed and installed these steel and glass skylights. In addition to the steelwork, Caliper also worked closely with Riverside Builders to ensure that the sprayed concrete shell construction would meet the exacting tolerance of the skylights. To that end, Caliper Studio provided an accurate 3D model that was used directly for CNC milling of the formwork. Automated drawing procedures developed in-house also aided the fabrication of the complex system of steel reinforcing buried in the concrete.

from  contmeporist


Designed by JB FACTORY