*친환경 급수 및 관개 설치물 [ Marjetica Potrč & Ooze ] Between the Waters; The Emscher Community Garden

Emscher리버와 새롭게 신설된 Rhine-Herne 운하 사이에 위치하게된 리니어한

대지위에 친환경 급수시스템? 이 완성되었다.

-어린이, 청소년에게는 놀이 공간으로..-

Emscher리버와 Rhine-Herne 운하, 우수 그리고 버려지는 물을 이용하는 설치물은

급수요소와 트리트먼트 설치물로 강 상부에 위치한 두개의 화장실, 강으로 부터

부패탱크로 물을 유입시키는 펌프, 습지식물을 이용한 자연 필터 시스템,

우수 집수 시스템을 갖춘 지붕, 물 저장소(필로우 탱크), 여기에 운하 쪽에 위치한

분수로 구성된다. -분수는 이곳을 찾는 방문객들에게 식수 및 분수놀이공간을 제공-

비트윈 프로젝트는 저급 기술에서 고급기술까지 이르는 다양한 급수 및 관개 시스템을

통하여 현재 우리가 자연에게 끼치는 영향- 우리 삶의 편리를 위해 아무렇지 않게

우리는 얼마나 자연을 훼손하는가..-을 직간접적으로 살펴 볼 수 있으며

지역적 문화공감대를 형성하는 실질적인 첫 단추로 보여진다.

자연과 인간은 원래가 공생관계이다. 그 관계를 일방적으로 깨어버린 것은


reviewed by SJ

highly polluted (and for this reason fenced-off) Emscher River is elevated above the nearby towns, which have sunk as a result of mining activity in the previous century. Looking down the slope towards the Rhine-Herne Canal, they have a clear view of the complex water processing installation, which works with the water on the site between the two waterways.

Design: Marjetica Potrč & Ooze (Eva Pfannes and Sylvain Hartenberg)
Marjetica Potrč & Ooze (Eva Pfannes and Sylvain Hartenberg)
Title: “Between the Waters: The Emscher Community Garden”
For: Emscherkunst.2010 / www.emscherkunst.de
Use: Art installation – Autonomous water treatment system & community gardens
Design period: 8 months
Construction period: 2 months
Constuction Completion: 29/05/2010
Photos: Roman Mensing, Bas princen, Ooze, Florian de Visser,
Location: Essen – Germany
Area: 1000 m2
Budget: 200.000 EUR
Date: 29 / 05 / 2010 – 05 / 09 / 2010
Client: Emschergenossenschaft

The project is a complete and sustainable water-supply system. It uses only water from the immediate area: the Emscher River, the Rhine-Herne Canal, rainwater and waste water. The main elements of the water supply and treatment installation are two toilets located above the Emscher River, a pump that draws water from the river into a septic tank, a constructed wetland (a helophyte filter), a rainwater-harvesting roof, water storage bags (“pillow tanks”), and a fountain located above the Rhine-Herne Canal that offers visitors water of drinkable quality. In addition, the system provides water for irrigating the Community Garden. The project teaches visitors about the various stages of the water supply system – usually hidden underground in their everyday environment – and engages them in such issues as the conservation, treatment and use of water.

Between the Waters: The Emscher Community Garden shows it is possible to reclaim and restore the natural habitat by using low-tech processes to construct a high-tech system. Although designed for this particular site, this is a mobile system that can be replicated in other localities. Equally important, through the Community Garden the project demonstrates the importance of local residents’ involvement with sustainable practices relating to water, including water conservation and local food production. The project underscores nature’s ability to restore itself and the power of local communities to make this happen.

from  landezine


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