*헤이그시 백조, 랜드마크 빌딩 [ ZZDP Architecten ] Haagsche Zwaan

헤이그시의 새로운 명물로 자리 잡은 오피스 빌딩은 백조를 모티브로 하여

건축적 언어로 디자인한 헤이그 랜드마크 타워이다.

기존에 고속도로를 사이로 건너편에 위치한 TNT빌딩의 모던하며 슬림한

형상과는 달리 역동적이며 우아한 선형이 잘 살아 있는 파사드로

스틸과 글래스를 이용 구축된다.

이러한 드라마틱한 형상은 대지가 갖고 있는 환경에서 기인한다.

저밀도 주거지역, 교통량이 많은 고속도로 교차로에 위치한 대지의 특성상

분절된 도시공간 구조를 갖게 되는데, 여기서 빌딩은 자신의 한부분을 도시에

내어줌으로써 단절된 도시가로환경을 연결하는 숙명을 해결하게 된다.

그리하여 지면으로 부터 12미터 들려진 필로티 구조물은 헤이그시의

새로운 캐릭터 백조를 연상시키는 빌딩의 단초를 제공한다.

이렇게 시작된 수직방향의 디자인은 사선방향으로 상승하며

전체 빌딩을 우아한 백조를 함축적으로 형상화하는 랜드마크 빌딩이 된다.

혹자는 헤이그 백조라고 부르기도 한다.

reviewed by SJ

De Haagsche Zwaan (The Hague’s Swan)  reaches high over the city highway to the TNT building opposite and forms a slim, tall portal over the highway Utrechtse baan. The impression of The Swan leaning or tilting is exaggerated by its tapering form. In contrast to its adjacent neighbour the Swan’s facade is  completely transparent executed  in steel and glass. It is the architectural answer to an urban planning request by the municipality of The Hague which asked for a second  portal over the Utrechtse baan, in the form of a ‘leaning’ office building of steel and glass. The first portal is formed by the office complex Haagse Poort (Kraaijvanger Urbis, Rob Ligtvoet).

Architects: ZZDP Architecten
Location: Den Haag,
Architect In Charge: Joris Deur, Adam Smit
Design Team: Ramon Gianotten, Danny Honhoff
Area: 27,500 sqm
Year: 2010
Photographs: Michel Kievits

At its highest point The Swan cantilevers 12 meter, the last one and a half meters of which are directly above the city highway. The immense structural forces that are imminent in the cantilevered construction are expressed by the diagonal tension elements on the outside of the longitudinal facades. The long diagonal line of the tension member visually forms an unity with the form of the entrance which is an inverted V situated below the cantilever. The open form of the entrance is partly inspired by the extensive network of electric cabling that is situated in the ground underneath this part of the building. On the inside the building’s form is expressed in the shifting location of the core on each floor. Still, the floors are unambiguous and can accommodate flexible floor plans and the net to gross ratio is at an advantageous 87 percent.

The site is wedged between a low-rise residential area, the high way and a busy junction. At the rear the building steps down to meet and integrate with the fragile streetscape. Here the above grade parking has been hidden from sight by placing small scale offices at the perimeter façade.

By the power of the impressive geometry of the Haagsche Zwaan, the building has become an icon at the access road of the city. The special care with which the design, detailing and functionality of the plinth have been dealt with ensures an acceptable integration into the urban fabric. Notwithstanding its extraordinary geometry and complex urban integration, the functionality of the offices is exemplary.

from  archdaily


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