*두개의 실린더, 콘서트 홀 [ Moussafir Architectes Associés ] La Luciole Concert Hall

두개의 실린더 스트럭쳐 프레임, 무대부를 구획하는 콘크리트 박스.

두개의 실린더는 교차하며 무대부와 객석부를 형성, 650석 규모의

오디토리움을 생성한다.

심플한 건축계획은 아이텐티한 형상-두개의 실린더가 교차하는

단순한 외형. 하지만 사선으로 기울어져 접합, 연결됨에 따라

단순함 속에 다이나믹한 공간들을 발생시킨다.-을 구현하는 동시에

내부에 필수불가결하게 생성되어야 하는 무대부의 층고와 객석부의

층고를 해결한다. 여기에 채색된 컬러패턴은 이러한 다이나믹함을

배가시키는 생동감 있는 요소로 작용한다.

내부 실린더의 끝, 지붕에 멤브레인을 계획하여 영상을 투영하는

스크린으로 활용, 내부에 확장된 공간활용을 보여준다.

reviewed by SJ

Situated on the edge of Alençon, in the rural landscape of Lower Normandy, La Luciole – French for «firefly» – resulted from the efforts of its passionate director-«programmateur». Founded in 1994, this concert facility has carved itself a reputation, attracting renowned musicians to its tiny performance hall.

Architects: Moussafir Architectes Associés
Location: 171 Rue de Bretagne, ,
Design Team: Jacques Moussafir with Francesca De Marchi, Nicolas Hugoo, Alexis Duquennoy, Guillaume Cournut, Laurent Théaux and Albert Ruiz
Area: 1,274 sqm
Year: 2008
Photographs: Luc Boegly, Moussafir Architectes Associés

Engineering Partners: A&T (stage designers), Peutz (acoustic designers), Batiserf (structural engineers), Alto (mechanical engineers), René Micout (quantity surveyor)
Contractors: Sagir (concrete structure), Renaudat (metal frameworks), Arblade (roofing & siding), Vonthron (electricity), Gondouin (waterproofing), Ates (partitions and lining), Daupley (exterior woodwork), R2C (metalwork), Polybat (paintwork), AMG Fechoz (stage machinery), Bezannier (wooden stage flooring), Ducré (HVAC and plumbing), Fabripose (interior woodwork), Qualiprofil (suspended ceilings), Assisesportive (seating), Audiotechniques (stage electrics), Azur Scénic (stage fabrics), Thyssen (elevator), Gagneux Décors (flooring)
Budget: 2,653,000 €. ex tax
Client: Alençon City Council

Several years ago, the municipality has agreed to finance the extension of La Luciole. The competition brief required a larger, 650-strong concert hall that would however maintain the sense of intimacy and the enveloping quality that defined the original space. The desire to bring people maximally close to the stage has literally shaped the restructured venue wherein artists are almost surrounded by their audience.

The brainstorming phase saw the buildingʼs forms evolve from rectangular to cylindrical, yet the core idea – two tilted, interconnected volumes containing the audience and the stage – remained intact. «It’s somewhat bizarre, and eccentric, and very different from everything else designed by our office,» notes Jacques Moussafir. This is partly explained by the projectʼs dynamic tempo: the competition proposal was done in ten days. More importantly, the bold geometry and exuberant color scheme reflect the strong, flamboyant personality of the man who has created La Luciole.

Structurally, the project consists of two cylindrical steel frames and a concrete enclosure for the stage (smaller concrete boxes are used for entrances and exits). An arch emerging where the two cylinders intersect marks the border between the stage and the audience. Simple in itself, the steel structure required some serious development work as the architects aimed to minimize the use of materials without compromising stability. Another challenge presented itself while mounting curved insulation panels and suspending acoustic sheets from the rounded surfaces of the performance hall.

Built by the west entrance to the city, La Luciole appears as an urban beacon, set in counterpoint to the linear façade of the adjacent exhibition centre. The membrane stretched over the auditoriumʼs circular roof is meant as a projection screen. Exterior finishing relates the building to its natural surroundings. The initial project proposed matt and polished stainless steel cladding that would reflect the ever-changing Normandy skies, yet the reality dictated a more economical solution: corrugated steel siding. Seemingly random arrangement of white and blue panels suggests a pixilated fragment of the sky, often covered with fleeing clouds. With darker shades concentrated where the two cylinders meet, the overall effect evokes a geyser linking the earth and the sky.

from  archdaily


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