*윌리엄 버클리 브릿지 [ Peter Elliot Architecture + Urban Design ] William Buckley Bridge

바로운 강과 벨로라인 반도가 만나는 바론 헤드, 그림같은 풍경이

펼쳐지는 해변가에 기존 바론헤드 브릿지와 평행을 이루는

새로운 브릿지가 완공된다.

기존 차량용 브릿지-바론헤드 브릿지-와 분리, 보행자와 자전거를 위한

전용 브릿지는 하부 보트운행이 가능한 높이를 확보하며 팀버 스트럭쳐로 구축된다.

여기 팀버스트럭쳐는 주요구조체인 콘크리트 스트럭쳐를 마치 배의

단면형상과 같이 U자 형태로 감싸며 구조미를 보여준다. 강을 떠다니는

거대한 배의 형상과 드넓게 펼쳐진 해변이 만나 아름다운 풍경이 만들어 지는 그곳,

그곳에 새롭게 완공된 브릿지는 윌리엄 버클리 브릿지이다.

reviewed by SJ

Barwon Heads is a picturesque coastal town located at the mouth of the Barwon River on the Bellarine Peninsula. Its much loved Barwon Heads Bridge has been reconstructed with a replacement timber bridge along with a new contemporary pedestrian and cycling bridge known as the William Buckley Bridge.

The new William Buckley Bridge is clearly differentiated from the road bridge as a contemporary structure. The design intent was to construct a pair of parallel causeway bridges as companion structures, parallel for their full length with the same underside clearance for boating.

The bridge expresses the beautiful tactile and aesthetic qualities of timber in an extraordinary coastal setting. The bridge’s primary structure is concrete which is fully clad in timber with a boat hull-like cross section. The underside of the bridge has a complex warping geometry where the timber battens rake and interlock to create visual interest and shadowing detail.

In addition, a new entry plaza has been created to integrate the bridges with the Barwon Heads township and the Barwon River foreshore. A large timber decked landing becomes the point of orientation prior to crossing the estuary or arriving at the edge of town.

Project Title: William Buckley Bridge
Project Address: Barwon River, Barwon Heads VIC 3227
Client: VicRoads
Architect: Peter Elliot Architecture + Urban Design
Principal Architect: Peter Elliott
Project Architect: Wil Goodsir
Project Team: Sean van der Velden, Jonathon Wong
Structural Engineer: ARUP
Services & Lighting: ARUP
Landscape Architect: VicRoads Technical Consulting
Timber Auditor QA Pty Ltd

Project Value: $40 million (includes Road Bridge)
Designed: February 2009
Completion Date: July 2011
Head Contractor: MacDow (McConnell Dowell Aust Pty Ltd)

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY