*복합 환승센터 캐노피 [ Zechner & Zechner ZTGmbH ] “Golden Eye” in Graz

도시 동맥을 연결한다. 2년의 공사기간, 약 90밀리언 유로의 예산
그리고 도시의 교통수단을 환승, 연결하는 교통의 허브. 이러한
설명은 최근 완공된 그라즈시에 복합환승센터 '골든 아이'를 일컫는 말이다.
중장기적인 도시개발 사업 중 하나인 환승센터는 기존 거대한 광장에 위치,
매력적인 유선형태의 캐노피와 라운드 플랫폼으로 구성된다.
승객들의 안전한 탑승 및 환승을 위한 플랫폼은 매력적인 캐노피
'골든 아이'로 덮이며 이곳 환승센터를 랜드마크화 하는 강렬한 디자인
요소로 작용한다.
장소, 환승센터의 성격상 많은 사람들의 유입을 허용하는 장소임에도 불구하고
캐노피의 미려한 디자인은 매력적이다.

reviewed by SJ

After a construction period of 2 years and an investment sum of 90 million Euros the new hub for short way traffic at the main station in Graz was completed in time and within budget. The forecourt of the station now showcases with a completely new design. The new canopy, called “Golden Eye” by the population is the striking element. The most important innovation is the tramway line, connecting the 4 tram lines to the station below ground.

Building Owner: Holding Graz Linien
Architects: Zechner & Zechner ZTGmbH
Traffic Planning: IKK ZTGmbH
Construction: Steel: Zenkner & Handel, Concrete: Schimetta Consult
Landscape building: 3zu0 Landschaftsarchitektur
Planning: 2008-2009, Completion: 07/2010- 11/2012
Construction Cost: 90 Mio €
Material Roof: ALUCOBOND® Spectra Titanium
Fabricator Roof: SFL technologies, Stallhofen
Award: VCÖ-Mobilitätspreis 2011
Pictures: © Thilo Härdtlein

The project itself influences the urban concept of the whole urban area around the station. The enhanced attractiveness of the large square is the initial project for the further urban development.

With the new sub terrestrial station the formerly heterogeneous appearance of the square and the dissatisfying traffic pattern could be adapted.

The most significant element of the new design is the roofing of the forecourt – an oval, circular slice, which provides a weather protecting ring to the station’s entrance hall. The roof soffit, called “Golden Eye” forms an “exterior hall” related to the existing concourse. The cladding reflects slightly distorted the paving, pedestrians and vehicles and thus creates a film projected on the “canvas of movement”.

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY