*캄보디아 중앙 시장 [ Arte Charpentier ] Central Market Phnom Penh

1937년부터 시작된 캄보디아 수도의 중앙 시장 리뉴얼 프로젝트는

프랑스 건축가 아르테 캄펜셔에 의해 주변지역을 아우르는 새로운

랜드마크로 재구성된다.

중앙코어에 덮힌 대형 돔을 기점으로 길다란 4개의 선형건물이

연결된 시장의 형태는 다음과 같은 4가지 요구조건을

수용하며 구축된다.

1.주변시설을 통합하는 중앙시장의 기능.

2.역사적 건물의 복원.

3.시장내의 위생환경 확보와 거주환경의 쾌적성 확보.

4.상인들의 안정적인 상행위 보장.

이와같이 리노베이션된 시장은 자연환기를 통한

거주환경 향상은 물론 판매공간과 사무공간을 추가로 확보하며

시장에 필요한 인프라시설-화장실, 쓰레기 처리시설- 또한 확보한다.

reviewed by SJ

An outdated 1937 market in Cambodia's capital has been rejuvenated with a lively makeover.

French architectural firm Arte Charpentier was called in to renovate the building, whose iconic shape is a landmark in its neighbourhood. Four wide lanes span outward from a central dome, with fluid circulation between all areas via the core circle. 

The redesign was based on four key principles: integrating the market with its surroundings, restoring the historic building, increasing comfort and hygiene, and satisfying needs of the merchants. Overcrowding in the old market led to poor ventilation and overheating; new extensions offer more work and selling space, plus office areas, toilets and waste management systems.

For the redesign, the architects worked with urban engineers from the City of Paris to conceive a more auto and pedestrian-friendly plan for the surrounding community. Drop-off areas are clearly defined and are separated from walk paths so as to not disturb pedestrians.  

The project was completed in collaboration with Villa Park, a Franco-Combodian construction company.

from  frameweb


Designed by JB FACTORY