*모바일 하우스 [ renzo piano ] micro-home 'diogene' installed on vitra campus


소형주택이라고 불러도 될까? 렌조피아노의 실험작 'diogene'은

작은 크기, 2미터x2미터 크기에도 불구하고 최소한의 거주환경을 구축,

생활가능한 공간을 제공한다.

비트라 캠퍼스에 설치된 마이크로 홈은 알루미늄 판넬로 마감된

박공지붕형태로 거주자가 원하는 장소에 쉽게 이동,설치 가능한

장점을 갖고 있다. 특히 별도의 공급라인 없이 자급자족 할 수 있는

거주환경이 구축되어 있다.

-태양광전지, 태양열 판넬, 우수탱크, 바이오 화장실, 자연환기

시스템과 3중유리의 단열-

다양한 목적, 장소에 활용 가능해 보인다. 레저를 위한 작은

휴식공간을 물론 생활을 위한 소형주택으로, 아니면

오지의 여행자를 위한 쉘터는 어떨까?


reviewed by SJ


the idea of introspection and meditation are made manifest in renzo-piano's micro-home 'diogene', the smallest building of the vitra campus, but arguably the most replete with ideas.

the living space of two meters by two meters, explores the beauty of enough-- minimal space for a bed, chair and coffee table-- all smartly composed in an aluminum-clad pitched roof volume. the home sits atop and gentle hill and represents piano's consistency of ideas throughout a range of scales.

while his london project 'the shard' is the tallest skyscraper in europe, the micro-home is a prototype for replicable system of essential living. aptly named 'diogenes' after diogenes the cynic, a philosopher who lived in a barrel to exalt simplicity through action, the home is a voluntary refuge that relishes a life outside of an existing infrastructure. the home is equipped with a highly considered sustainable system- a feat of small scale engineering, what with a system of photovoltaic cells, solar panels, a rainwater tank, bio-toilet, natural ventilation and triple glazing that guarantees total environmental synthesis and autonomy from the grid.

the home is a tectonic effort to live deliberately, satisfying only a program of foundational human needs with a simple partition between a living space with a sofa bed and a small kitchen with an adjacent shower. interiors are tactile and warm with meticulously joined planes of wood while the gabled roof and exteriors are humanized with round vertices and a protective skin of riveted aluminum.

technical perfection meets a philosophy of 'walden'-sized proportions, with a small footprint, autonomously generated current and recycled water unit. although the project is a protype that will be tested by a real inhabitant at vitra, the overarching goal is to optimize the complex product for mass production. an accompanying exhibit showed the incredible volume of work, thought and iterations generated for the small building; but not without a multicolored model with a plethora of future units over a green site. this an architecture that teaches through time and draws from those who dwell in its walls.  

renzo piano talks about micro-home 'diogene' from designboom on Vimeo.

'…the idea of a small house always came back, because it's kind of a primitive idea. it's the idea of basic shelter-- the minimum living shelter you need as a human being--then you can go and make many places for collective activity. civic places, places for people to enjoy music, to enjoy university, to enjoy education, a civic center. you can do many, many things; but it sticks, this idea somewhere, this one different image-- it's called silence.' 

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY