*알제리, 사막을 담다. [ Mario Cucinella Architects ] ARPT Headquarters

ARPT 헤드쿼터 디자인 제안은 전통과 현대성이 조화된

형상으로 지역적 특징이 투영된 건축공간으로 완성된다.

그리고 여기에 태양의 경로와 일반적인 지중해 건축의 특징이 잘 베어 나도록 한다.

유니크한 건축물의 볼륨 및 외피는 알제리가 위치한 사막기후가 만들어내는,

-바람과 모래가 만들어 내는- 자연스러운 건축물에서 영감으로 부터 시작된다.

여기에 지역적 문맥을 고려한 역사성과 현대성의 조화는

고속도로변, 도시공원 속 건축물을 새로운 랜드마크로 디자인 시킨다.

그리하여 완성된 헤드쿼터의 디자인은 사막의 강렬한 기후를 고려한

공기역학적 형상으로 북측면에는 볼록한 유선형태를

남측면에는 오목한 형태로 디자인되며,

강렬한 태양을 버퍼하는 서피스 시스템과

함께 헤드쿼터를 완성한다.

reviewed by SJ

The building has been conceived as an icon where tradition and modernity are melted, both in form (which arises from a pointed arch typical of Mediterranean architecture and the inclination of the solar diagram) as well as in the treatment of the surface of the body.

The project is inspired by the Algerian desert landscape where the dunes of seem natural buildings, manufactured by wind and sand. Analysing the urban fabric, the location of the lot along a highway of great importance and especially the proximity to the new urban park Bab Ezzouar, offer the possibility to create a building highly visible and representative. An institutional building as the new ARPT headquarters should be the reference point within a neighborhood and a city where tradition and modernity merge each other to create new symbolic and cultural scenarios. For this reason the project proposal draws a highly iconic building far from the predominant aesthetics of the area and which exploits the direct contact with the new park. The desire to create a building that would work according to the principles of bioclimatic architecture and in particular by the natural cooling techniques of the past, such as the tu'rat, suggested an aerodynamic shape, convex on the North side to divert the hot winds, and concave on the South side to capture the cool breezes during the night, and thus to promote the natural ventilation of the building.

Form, energy and tradition are transformed then into a new building that will become a symbol of the development of Algeria.

Place: Algeri, Algeria
Year: 2013
Type: International Competition – winner project
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects

Team: Mario Cucinella, Luca Sandri, Alberto Casarotto, Alberto Bruno, Giulia Mariotti, Rossana Romano, Michele Olivieri, Giuseppe Perrone
Stuctures and engineering: Favero & Milan

Rendering: MIR, Engram Studio

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY