*건축적 산책로 [ Gillespie Yunnie Architects ] Coast Path Staircase at Royal William Yard

장소를 기념하다. 해변가의 남서방향에 위치한

로얄 윌리암 야드는 1826~1831에 건립된 군사적 방어요새로

1990년대까지 사용되었다.

그리고 지금 로얄 윌리암 야드는 리프로그래밍 된다.

해변가를 비롯한 근방 지역을 포괄적으로 연결하는 마스터플랜에서

로얄 윌리암 야드는 군사적 요충지가 아닌 대지와 바다를 연결하는

뷰포인트이자 역사적 시간들의 흔적을 기념하는

메모리얼 플레이스가 된다.

이러한 관계성을 형성하기 위해 설치된 계단은

-해변과 로얄 윌리암 야드는 물리적인 레벨차가 있다.-

동선을 확보하는 동시에 이용의 즐거움을 선사하는

매개체로 디자인 된다.

역사적 벽면을 따라 오르는 다크한 솔리드 형태 계단은

시간의 대비, 재료의 대비를 통해 아이텐티함의 구축과

신선한 산책의 즐거움을 제공한다.

산책의 끝에는 공간을 연결하는 목적공간과

더불어 아름다운 경치를 감상할 수 있는

뷰 포인트가 준비된다.

계단의 디자인이 주는 즐거움만으로도 충분히 재미있는


reviewed by SJ

The stair links the defensive western end of the Royal William Yard to the South West Coast path above the site. The Royal William Yard was designed by Sir John Renny to supply the entire Royal navy Fleet with beer, rum, ships biscuits and cured meat. Built between 1826 and 1831 it was used continually by the Navy until the 1990s when it closed and has since been subject to one of the largest regeneration programmes in the South West. Gillespie Yunnie Architects have been working with developers Urban Splash since 2005 on the Grade I Listed site, which now houses a mixture of apartments, offices, shops and restaurants.

Architects: Will Hoare / Jackie Gillespie (Gillespie Yunnie Architects)
Developer/Contractor: Urban Splash
Steel Fabricator: Underhill Engineering
Engineer: Hydrock Structures 1

The Royal William Yard has always been a dead end due to its naturally defensive nature and peninsular location, so the staircase linking the far end of the Yard with the open green space of the peninsula above has always been a key part of the regeneration masterplan, to allow residents to access the park and historic battlements at the top of the high retaining wall, and allow walker to continue along the Coast Path route via a dramatic piece of architecture.

As a practice we are all very aware of how stunning our local coastline is, we all sail, surf and regularly walk the coast path. To be involved in linking two amazing and contrasting waterfront locations with a piece of bold contemporary design was always going to be right up our street. We designed the stair to emulate some of the excitement and surprise of journeying along the South West Coast path.

The journey is very different depending on which way you approach the stair; From the Yard, the stair is a dark solid mass, snug against the historic retaining wall, and the journey, hidden by the high solid sides, is only apparent as you begin to climb the stair, with the concealed glass viewing platform and panoramic views over the Tamar Estuary across to Cornwall being concealed until the last minute; from the park above, you first have to find the entrance, housed within a sunken ruin of an old military store. A steel ‘portal’ is cut through the huge wall marking the start of the journey, and your first view opens up before you, as you descend down the cantilevered upper flight. At night it changes again, using concealed LED ribbon lights beneath the handrail to wash the entire inner surfaces with an ever changing river of colour, a bit of fun, and brightness in the otherwise dark, hard context of the old military site, and reminiscent of seaside promenades across the country.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY