* 움직이는 다리 [ McDowell+Benedetti Architects ] Scale Lane Bridge

장소의 오브제같은 조형성을 가지는 다리는 능동적인 행위를 함으로써 사용자에게 다양한 즐거움을 선사한다.

언뜻 보아 오래된 마을에 정착한 우주선 같은 형상의 다리는 사방이 열린 전망대로서의 다양한 전경을 보여주고,

더불어 움직임을 더해 전망의 즐거움을 준다.

다리가 다시 이어질때 까지 기다리는 사람들.

그냥 그 순간을 지켜보는 사람들.

장소에서 사람들의 시선과 인사가 검은색의 딱딱한 다리를 정겹게 보이게 하는 것인지도 모른다.

통과만 하는 다리가 아니라 기다리고 쉴 수 있는 다리이기에 별다른 요소가 없음에도 어른과 아이의 놀이터가 된다.


 reviewed by km



An innovative swing bridge over the River Hull has opened to the public, offering pedestrians the unique experience of riding on the bridge as it opens and closes to river traffic, a world’s first.

The black steel bridge has a distinctive robust character and curving form, making it a memorable landmark that is unique to Hull and its industrial and maritime heritage.

The winning entry in an international 3-stage design competition held in 2005, the bridge has been built to the original concept by the competition team, architects McDowell+Benedetti, structural engineers Alan Baxter Associates, and main contractor and M&E engineers Qualter Hall.

Located in Kingston upon Hull, east of Hull city centre, the bridge connects Hull’s Old Town Conservation Area to the undeveloped industrial landscape of the east bank. The bridge provides a walkable route connecting the Museums Quarter on the west bank to Hull’s major attraction The Deep.

The bridge’s sweeping form creates two generous pedestrian routes, one gently sloping and a shorter stepped walkway. The roof of the drum provides an upper viewing deck with a seamless steel balustrade, which gives the feeling of being on board a docked ocean liner.

The central structural spine of the bridge includes seating areas, creating a variety of places for people to pause on route to relax and enjoy the riverscape views. The spine rises into a back-lit rooflight which provides a marker at night.

The bridge rotates using an electrical drive mechanism to open the route to river traffic when required. When activated the mechanical movement of the bridge is sufficiently slow to allow passengers to safely step onto the bridge from the west bank whilst it is rotating.

Artist Nayan Kulkarni has created a public artwork on the bridge, a sonic landscape in which to enjoy the riverscape. When the bridge opening is activated a new sequence of rhythmic bells is triggered which increases in urgency and combines with a pulsing light developed by lighting consultants Sutton Vane Associates. This has a practical purpose in alerting pedestrians to the imminent opening rotation and it heightens the drama of the ‘ride’.


from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY