*안데스산맥, 컨테이너 옵저버 하우스 [ casa oruga ] shipping container home snakes across the andes

안데스 산맥을 향해 비상하는 날개처럼. 안데스 산맥의

파워풀한 텍토닉이 반영된 '카사 오루가'는 모듈러 컨테이너

-우리가 흔히 이야기하는 컨테이너 박스-를 이용, 주변 랜드스케이프에

반하는 거주공간을 디자인한다.

먼저 인상적인 시퀀스를 생성하는 돌출된 3개의 리니어한 메스는

지형의 경사면을 따라 흐르며 경사지 아래에 펼쳐진 넓은 풍광을 향해

들려진다. 극적인 캔틸레버 구조로 이루어진 3개의 메스는 거주자들의

프라이버시를 확보하는 독립적인 실로 구성된다.

-아이들을 위한 실은 후면부에 어른과 손님을 위한 실은 전면에 위치한다.-

그 하부에 자리 잡은 리빙스페이스는 전면을 글래스로 디자인함으로써

개방감을 확보하는 동시에 구조적인 환경을

-상부에 위치한 캔틸레버 메스와 이러한 메스를 가로질러 지지하는

거대한 철골보- 적나라하게 보여줌으로써

건축의 다이나믹함을 구현한다.

이러한 건축의 조화를 통해 주거는 외부로 확장하며

자연채광, 자연환기를 유도하는 쾌적한 주거로 완성된다.

reviewed by SJ

responding to the powerful tectonics of the chilean andes, 'casa oruga' makes use of modular shipping containers to create habitable volumes that streak the landscape with soaring lines. the configuration allows the external air to run smoothly and easily through the all house and its different parts in order to avoid mechanical cooling.with regard to the former, the strategy to achieve the proposed integration to the territory, consisted in placing the volumes of the house as if they where resting on the slope and allowing the volumes, lets say; to be blended by the slope. as a result of this tide adjustment of the house to the natural ground; there are generated the entrance to the house and the children sleeping rooms having each one an inclined inner space which is both the skylight and the bed place in the room.in relation to the latter; the strategy for improving air movement through the house consisted in organizing the program along stripes and keeping interstitial spaces among them for the circulation of both; the inhabitants and the cool air that comes from the mountains. at the same time, the proposed interstitial spaces increases the house perimeter which allows most of the times to have light and air entering the spaces from at least two opposite sides. as a consequence of this will, windows and doors are aligned along axes that cut the stripes, easing therefore air movement and also creating visual integration construction phases consisted in: firstly; placing the retaining walls to create a horizontal plane to place the public areas of the house. secondly; in mounting the containers and ensemble them on top to place the private areas and thirdly; to wrap the containers with a unitarian material which at the time that integrates the parts also creates a ventilated façade that temperate the interior spaces.the material palette was chosen having in mind not only low cost materials but low maintenance as well. in the election of materials it was also important to analyze their capacity to age well an to incorporate time passing as something that adds value to material. architectonic elements such as windows, doors, and skylights are rationalized and repeated all over the house not just to reduce cost but also in order to create and integrated architectonic peace.

name of the project : casa oruga /caterpillar house
architect: sebastián irarrázaval delpiano
associated architect: erick caro
client: ricardo bezanilla
location: los trapenses , lo barnechea, santiago de chile
structural engineer: pedro bartolomé
construction: sebastián irarrázaval arquitectos
site supervision: ricardo carril
materials: 5 x 40 “standard shiping containers, 6 x 20 “standard shiping containers and 1 x 40 “ open top shiping container ,  steel plates , concrete retaining walls, and gypsum board , tymber wood
site area: 900 mt2
gross built area: 350 m2

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY