*능동형 파사드 디자인 [ Pich-Aguilera Architects ] Telefónica Móviles Building

필요와 기능은 건축을 만들고 건축은 다시 통합된 공간으로

거주자에게 최상의 안락함을 제공한다.

각기 다른 얼굴 -외부환경, 사계절, 향에 따라 적극적으로

대응하는 파사드 디자인-은 내부공간을 외부환경으로 부터

보호하는 동시에 최적의 컨디션을 유지하기 위한 수단으로 활용된다.

이러한 파사드는 내부 장스판 공간을 확보하기 위해 디자인된

3차원 베어링 스트럭쳐와 결합되어 건축물의 외관을 완성하게 된다.

특히 지붕 설계는 저마다 각기 다른 기울기와 레이어 그리고 메커니즘으로

커스텀하게 디자인되어 이러한 건축환경을 배가시킨다.

reviewed by SJ

The building is conceived as a large container made by assembling components manufactured by the industry. The bearing structure opens the three-dimensional cores and a frame, as a support for long span slabs. It has the efficacy of an infrastructure, covered by a light and diverse enclosure capable of activating and filtering the outside weather to obtain the conditions for interior comfort.

Architects: Pich-Aguilera Architects
Location: Castilla, Cataluña,
Team: Felipe Pich-Aguilera, Teresa Batlle
Project Area: 6,504 sqm
Photographs: Eduardo Sanchez Lopez

Group Manager: Xavi Milanés, Angel Sendarrubias
Project Manager: Bruno Sauer, Ute Müncheberg
Bioclimatic Consultant: Emilio Miguel Mitre. EMMA
Facilities: PGI Grup
Budget: Tècnics G3
Structures: BD, Consultors
Direction: Manuel Santolaya, Juan Francisco Serrano
Technical Architect: Vicente Erguido. Ingeniero PGI Grup

The building is clearly differentiated into three zones: the central area houses the service operators. It works as a great climate atrium, where the roof defines the space with its different slopes, layers and mechanisms. It reacts a a complement with input from the adjacent areas according to the seasons, for optimal uptake of energy and a balanced distribution of air (hot and cold) to all spaces. A south area, closely linked to the first, houses the resting area.

It functions as a large greenhouse that supports the other areas, producing and evacuating heat as needed. The north area that houses management offices makes up a large, shaded chamber of moist air, which functions as cooling plant, as it is traversed by hot and dry air during the summer.

This space, with its landscaped courtyards, functions as a thermal regulator and provides freshness to the other areas. Thus, conventional machinery has been dimensioned as a complementary support to the climatic operation of the architecture itself in the production of its own interior comfort. The resulting shapes should be read as an expression of that operation.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY