*캔틸레버 파사드 디자인 [ LOOK Architects ] Bishan Public Library

비스한 공용도서관의 다이나믹한 파사드 디자인은

플레이, 디스커버리를 통한 교육환경 구축에서 시작된다.

천창 및 다양한 컬러글래스 그리고 리딩포트를 통해 유입되는

외부환경-빛을 포함한다-은 수량이 풍부한 거대한 나무 그늘아래에

필터링된 공간같이 독특한 반중첩 공간을 형성시킨다.

건축물에 독특한 외형을 형성하는 리딩포트는 캔틸레버 스트럭쳐로

구조적인 안정성을 확보하며 도서관을 이용하는 이용자에게

소그룹 회의, 독서, 놀이, 휴식, 쉘터 등의 다양한 프로그램으로

플렉서블하게 제공된다.

거대한 나무그늘 아래, 시원하게 펼쳐진 평상위에,

배깔고 누워 한가로운 오후를 즐기는 상상을 해본다.

reviewed by SJ

The metaphor of a tree house was invoked from the onset of design conceptualization to create an environment for learning via a journey of discovery and play. The use of skylights, trellises and colored glass transforms incoming daylight into a myriad of shades and colours, creating an intriguing dappled light quality within the library that simulates light filtered through the foliage of trees. ‘Pods’ cantilevered off the main building façade exude a distinctive charisma on the exterior and create suspended alcoves at an intimate scale from the building interior. The library is raised above the anonymity of its mixed used neighborhood and sets out to stir the curiosity of the community.

Architect: LOOK Architects 
Location: 5 , Singapore
Site Area: 1400.30 sqm
Client: National Library Board, Singapore
Structural Engineer: Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Mechanicalme &Electrical Engineer: Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Quantity surveyor: BEC Consultants
Completion: 2006
Photographs: Patrick Bingham-Hall, Tim Nolan

Conflicting requirements – view orientation, solar control and rhttp://5osa.com/admin/entry/edit/outmoded/4551egulation of unprotected openings mandated by the statutory fire safety code – were satisfied by a highly rationalised spatial strategy. An internal atrium was incorporated to introduce natural daylight deep into the main circulation zone, as well as most of the library floors, and the back-of-house was concentrated as a solid core on the western elevation that also serves to shield the building from the harsh evening sun. A gently sloping ramp leads people from the street level up to the collection zone through the atrium and also acts as an efficient discharge route for large crowds.

Responding to a highly constricted urban site amidst a mature satellite town, the design answers demands for an efficient construction method that minimises impact on its surroundings. Insitu concrete structure comprising four typical floor slabs over a basement are linked by a common lift and staircase core, and internal columns are kept to a minimum through the use of post-tensioned floor slabs, effectively maximising floor area and increasing flexibility of collection storage. Exploiting its potential of noise segregation, the basement was designed to house the children’s section, defining a subterranean cavern-like realm where imagination can run free.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY