*랜드마크 오피스 타워 [ Vaillo + Irigaray ] Gamesa office building

낯선 도시에 이정표를 세우다.

그린 에너지 생산을 위한 풍력터빈을 연구, 제작하는 가메사의

새로운 오피스는 일반적인 오피스 빌딩과 차별화를 목표로 디자인 된다.

이러한 목표는 회사가 추구하는 친환경, 그린에너지를 투영할 수 있는

건축공간으로 교외에 위치한 테크놀로지 파크에 건축된다.

큐빅 볼륨의 일반적인 건축물에서, 360도 파노라마 뷰포인트를 갖는

실린더 볼륨으로, 센터에 위치한 코어존을 기점으로 연속되는 사무공간의

연출은 회사가 요구하는 다양한 조건들을 수용한다.

내외부의 가시성 확보, 야간시 내부공간의 시큐리티 확보,

주변지역을 아우르는 아이텐티한 캐릭터 구축을 만족한다.

이로 인해 오피스는 테크놀로지 파크의 랜드마크로


-실린더형태의 볼륨은 큐빅볼륨에 비해 외피면적이 적어져

열효율 측면에서 유리하다. 같은 질량에 가장 작은 외피면적은 구 인것과 같다.-

reviewed by SJ


Gamesa is a multinational company engaged in the manufacture and maintenance of wind turbines for green energy production.

The building is situated in a micro-suburban landscape into a business park. This technology park is characterized by an implantation of buildings in isolation, in a green environment.

Surrounded by road links, the project responds as a great infraestructural milestone, as a large transparent tank. An autonomous geometry floating on a green hillside.


Carrying out an exercise of coherence and economy of means, the intention is to meet the requirements of the property with minimal resources:

-The visibility and positioning of the building.
- Interior nighttime lighting for safety.
- Transparency of the facade and interior-exterior bidirectional visibility.
- And, very important, reducing energy consumption of all facilities.


The project is proposed associating in its projective genesis reduction of energy consumption and typological requirements.
The circular shape of the plant, apart from internal functional advantages, helps optimizing the building form factor.
This cylindrical geometry reduces by 35% the facade surface over a rectangular building of similar functional characteristics.


We are located in the dominant part of the park (including modifications to the development plan). It is the top of a small green hill.

The building is seen from kilometers away, from the highway. The existing lighting in the immediate environment as an "urban fringe style": weak, unsaturated, orange and manufacturing.

The new tank-building acquires the nuances of a glassy-liquid solid, the deep green of the LEDs. This color is conjugated whit the green inner liners and is visible from the outside.

No corporate label is installed on the facade.

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY