*폭스바겐 서비스센터 유니크 파빌리온 [ Graft Architects ] Autostadt Roof and Service Pavilion

나뭇잎에서 거대한 파빌릴온 캐노피까지

새롭게 리노베이션 된 폭스바겐 야외주차장은 거대한 나뭇잎과 같은

오가닉한 형상으로 독특한 시퀀스를 자아낸다.

대지를 덮고 있는 나뭇잎이 대지를 보호하는 것에서 착안한

아이디어는 이곳 주차장을 외부 환경으로 부터 보호하는

장치이자 이곳을 방문하는 고객들을 환영하는 인사의 제스쳐로

폭스바겐 매장을 캐릭터화 한다.

-비와 태양의 직사광선으로 부터 보호하는 동시에 주간에

인공조명 없이 조도를 확보할 수 있도록 디자인 되었다,-

파빌리온은 오로지 두개의 지점만 대지에 허락하며

엘레강스한 형상으로 하늘과 대지사이에 고유한 인자로

고객을 맞이한다.

reviewed by SJ

GRAFT was commissioned to remodel a former parking area on the site of VW Autostadt in Wolfsburg, Germany.

The task was to create a quiet area where the buyer of a new car could get familiar with all the functions in an almost private atmosphere. The space had to be protected from rain and direct sunlight, while allowing enough daylight to avoid the usage of energetically expensive and unnecessary artificial light.

Architects: Graft Architects
Location: Berlin,
Architect In Charge: Graft Gesellschaft
Year: 2013
Photographs: Tobias Hein

Planning Of The Structural Framework: Schlaich Bergermann
Landscape Architect: Landschaftsarchitektur
Contractor Roof Structure: Eiffel Deutschland Stahltechnologie GmbH

We developed the idea of a horizontal leaf that protects the landscape underneath with its organic form. In the architectural application of this image, it was necessary to produce the greatest possible lightness: A special static principle allows for the roof to rest in just two points. It lays in the landscape and defines a clear and protected room. The orientation of the roof represents a welcoming gesture through its curvature. The elegant amorphous geometry of the roof structure forms an evident bridge between top and bottom, between sky and landscape

The associated service pavilion fulfills various functions: the customer can ask questions about his new car or purchase accessories. As the roof follows the concept of a leaf, the pavilion is integrated into the architectural landscape and not designed as a separate building. Basic forms of shelter can be found in the expression of the internal architecture

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY