*비계로 이루어진 템퍼러리 파빌리온 [ J. Mayer H. ] Schaustelle

템퍼러리 파빌리온, 유형과 무형의 진실.

전시장 리노베이션을 위한 임시방편으로 구축된 템퍼러리 전시장은

비계구조물을 이용한 가구조물로 구축된다.

이러한 임시전시장은 기존 전시공간 제공하며 다음과 같이 구성된다.

4개의 컬렉션으로 구성된 메인 전시공간, 워크샵, 커뮤니티룸, 퍼포먼스룸,

필름스크린룸 그리고 비디오 설치공간으로 이루어 진다.

여기에 주 전시를 하는 저층부 대형 전시공간은 4개의 컬렉션이

다양한 형태로 변형, 배치 되도록 플렉서블한 오픈플랜으로 계획되어 지며

추가적인 증축이 용이하도록 모듈로 계획된다.

비계의 상징적인 의미, 실질적인 유형의 구체를 형성하기 위한

임시물. 은 템퍼러리 파빌리온의 운명을 직간접적으로 표현하며

프로그램의 기능적인 운영을 제공한다.

reviewed by SJ

Designed by J. MAYER H., the 'Schaustelle' or 'show site' will be a temporary pavilion and platform for the four collections housed at the Pinakothek der Moderne.
Schaustelle by J. Mayer H. Photograph by Dennis Bangert

Client: Freistaat Bayern, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Stiftung Pinakothek der Moderne
Date: February - September 2013
Location: Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
Architects: Team J. MAYER H.: Jürgen Mayer H., Marcus Blum, Paul Angelier
Designed for: Stiftung Pinakothek der Moderne und Bayrische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, AUDI AG

In an official statement, Dr. Markus Michalke, Chairman of the Pinakothek der Moderne Foundation announced:

"The Pinakothek der Moderne is due to close in February 2013 for renovation work and is expected to reopen again in September 2013. The temporary closure has been seen as an opportunity that will give rise to a makeshift exhibition building - the Schaustelle. Set up for the duration of the renovations, it will provide the four collections at the Pinakothek der Moderne with a lively platform to hold exhibitions, workshops, talks, performances, film screenings and video installations and much more besides. The scheme has been initiated by the Pinakothek der Moderne Foundation."

"The ground floor of the Schaustelle contains a large exhibition space that can be easily adapted to suit the requirements of the various exhibitions of the four collections. The plans foresee the use of the open scaffold structure in the outdoor area as a projection area, making it available as an addition exhibition space. The scaffold structure allows visitors to walk through it, while they catch new glimpses of the city beyond, set off by works on display from the collections. Accompanying events, including some at night, multimedia projections in the outdoor area and a viewing platform overlooking the city centre: all these things will cast the Kunstareal in a new and exciting light. The Pinakothek der Moderne Foundation and the four institutions in the Pinakothek der Moderne are also using the temporary platform to send a political signal to push for the completion of the second section of the main building. The Schaustelle is an operational platform and think tank in one."

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY