*폐 탄광촌 복원 프로젝트, 샤워타워 [ rAndom international ] towering shower at ruhrtriennale

석탄산업의 시간은 과거의 시간이다.

그리고 현재의 공간에 그들의 시간은 없다.

페탄광촌에 새롭게 설치된 샤워타워는 3만리터의 물을 수직으로 쏟아 부으며

정적인 공간을 동적인 공간으로 변화 시키며

장소를 살아 숨쉬는 생물화 한다.

이러한 인터렉티브 스페이스 구축을 통해

과거의 시간은 현재의 장소에 투영되며

새로운 의미를 부여 받는다.

reviewed by SJ

more than 30,000 liters of water per minute are cycled through the towering shower--'instant structure for schacht XII'--by rAndom international. known for their experimental and interactive works, rAndom international have created a monumental, performative structure at the world heritage site of zollverein coal mine industrial complex in essen, germany harnessing its native material to fuel their ambitious venture. 6 million cubic metres of which have to be pumped out of the former mines every year to warrant the structural integrity of the entire region. it is the london-based collective's first outdoor installation.

Tower, Instant Structure for Schacht XII from rAndom International on Vimeo.

the torrent of water is reminiscent of rAndom international's previous 'rain room' (which you can see on designboom here) which debuted earlier this year. the ephemeral tower appears and disappears instantaneously, the sound of the man made storm intensely loud, leaving a film of moisture in the air. by bringing such large amounts of water into the controlled form of a building, the architecture of the space becomes animated. the project explores the possibilities of engagement with, access to, an historic, industrial space at a scale that had not originally be intended for human / social use. the juxtaposition of the simulated architecture against the solid and static buildings of the former industrial site.

'tower: instant structure for schacht XII' was commissioned by urbane künste ruhr for ruhrtriennale  2013 and is on show daily from 10AM-1M until october 6, 2013.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY