*소셜하우징 [ Alfonso Alzugaray ] 172 Social Housing Building

도시공간을 따라 휘어진 선형으로 배치된 공동주거 블록은 내부에 리니어한 그린스페이스를 형성하며 이전에 차량으로 인하여 단절되었던 외부공간을 거주자를 비롯한 아이들의 야외활동을 위해 제공된다. 인간지향적인 건축공간은 주거단지내로 유입되는 차량동선을 램프를 이용, 지하공간으로 유도하며 그 자리에 보행자로와 그린스페이스를 조성한다.

여기에 공동주거의 외형적 특징을 보여주는 파사드디자인은 주거유닛의 모듈화된 창문패턴을 건축물의 휘어진 볼륨에 따라 반응하도록 창문마다 각기 다른 컬러를 채색한다. -휘어진 면을 따라 보이는 창문의 다양한 컬러는 건축공간의 분위기를 활동적으로 변화 시킨다.- 건축물의 실용적인 공간을 확보하는 동시에 고유한 캐릭터를 창출하는 파사드 디자인은 도시공간과 주거공간의 경계를 이어주는 매개 디자인이다.

reviewed by SJ

We want to raise the inner lane to the category of “reason” of the project. In order to do this, besides the compositional order decisions, we force the access to the houses through this space, qualifying it and generating in this way activity and relation and justifying in our opinion the design of this street.

Architects: Alfonso Alzugaray
Location: Sarriguren, Navarre,
Area: 25,450 sqm
Photographs: Cesar San Millán

Constructor: Dragados
Collaborators: Fernando Rubi
Structure: NB 35

Regarding the treatment of this space, we attempt to provide an image as “green” as possible, as a children’s play space  far from the complications of traffic that runs along the outside of the buildings. However, it also has a band of slow traffic and another band of parking, all in low intensity, because this lane does not serve the rest of polygon, but an exclusive access to the entrance halls. The ramp to the basement is located at the end of the plot. The definition of this space is completed by  pedestrian paths and emergency exits from the garages.

We designed the exterior facades following a principle of sobriety, based on a single type of hollow drawn on a very uniform surface of anodized aluminium sheet metal that emphasizes the perforation of the facade and its quality and construction complexity. The composition is repeated in both curved and straight blocks and is always accompanied by the same material which surrounds and defines the entire exterior perimeter of the four buildings.

The inner street wants to be different. Here the perception of curved path is very close and we want to  emphasize it through small constructive gimmicks: a floor is  slightly staggered regarding the low one, so that the facade becomes a succession of curved lines emphasizing the shape of the street. The absconded vision of the space leads us to look for one “not composition” with hollows randomly placed and lined quoins with colored phenolic panels that introduce a vibration on the surface of the facade and strongly characterize the urban space, far away from orderly compositions.

The project’s argument turns in the difference between these two compositive worlds.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY