*레드컬러 아트하우스 [ FAT ] House of the Arts

인상적인 외형적 특징 -높은 박공 지붕과 밝은 적색- 은 아트하우스를 주변환경으로 부터 분리, 유니크화 한다. 지역문화를 유입, 통합하는 앵커플레이스로 자리한 건축물은 이러한 유니크 작업을 통해 또한번 주변환경을 흡수, 통합한다. 어쩌면 외형적 형상은 독보적인 대비감을 불러오지만 자연적 형상에서 시작 된 것이 맞을 일이다.

내부 프로그램은 다양한 문화를 제공하는 공간으로 중심부에 위치한 포이어로 부터 연속된 전시공간, 아트오디토리움, 카페테리아로 배치된다. 확연히 구분된 3개의 외형이 만나 단일화된 건축공간으로 완성되는 아트하우스는 내부 프로그램을 적나라하게 외형적으로 표현하며 또 한번 자신의 위치를 확인한다.

reviewed by SJ

A critically acclaimed project for well-established Portuguese firm FATFuture Architecture Thinking – recently drew attention to itself as it has been featured in a wide variety of far reaching social media platforms and design-related publications. However, most of them simply depicted the building as a ‘flashy’ eye-pleasing object.

Standing out from the rather stagnant Portuguese contemporary architecture scene, the House of the Arts holds multiple spatial and morphological qualities which allow a full appreciation of the level of excellence achieved by architect Miguel Correia over the past two decades.

A question remains, why is there such an ever-growing enthusiasm towards this enigmatic building located in Miranda do Corvo, about an hour away from Porto?

With its expressive high sloped rooftops and bright red continuous façades, this landmark seems to have developed its own architectural vocabulary so as to initiate a very unique and contrasting dialogue with the mountainous landscape and the surrounding’s traditional constructions. As the red colour confers an undeniable urban feel to the whole composition, the building triumphantly sits among trees and small white village houses.

Celebrating culture and creative encounters, the House of the Arts offers many access points to its versatile spaces in order for various public events to be held conveniently. Through a well thought-out site plan, architects from FAT were also able to provide the local population with an outdoor amphitheatre/family-friendly garden.

A central foyer leads to exhibition areas, a state-of-the-art auditorium and a cafeteria suitable for activities of different kind. To maintain an appropriate scale given the building’s function, the designers cautiously distributed the programme into three distinctive volumes dealing with varying lighting atmospheres.

Putting aside all frivolous features that could qualify the House of the Arts as an actual ‘architectural icon’, it seems somewhat relevant to acknowledge the efficiency of the dialogue between Correia’s work and its context, as well as the building’s ability to manage such a diverse programme while relating to a modest – and proper – scale.

from  frameweb


Designed by JB FACTORY