*법원을 정의하는 두가지, 그리드 패턴 파사드 디자인 [ Andrés López Fernández ] El Ejido Courthouse

상반된 두가지 시선을 병합한다. 내외부의 경계를 구분짓는 건축의 당위성은 여기 법원이 상징적으로 추구하는 이미지; 빛과 어두움, 형평과 처벌를 적나라하게 표현한다.

삼각형태의 대지에 맞다 있는 두개의 도로는 두개로 분리된 건축물을 각각 연결하며 대지와 건축물의 공극을 메운다. 이렇게 구분된 건축물; 각 건축물은 평행한 두개의 월로 자신만의 특징적인 얼굴; 파사드를 갖는다. 솔리드와 보이드, 엄격한 규칙과 자유분방한 패턴은 파사드를 디자인하는 상반된 시선으로 광장으로 면한 전면파사드에 법원의 외형적 특징을 두드러지게 표현하는 볼드한 그리드 패턴으로 아이텐티를 구축한다. 또한 이 외피는 법원 내부의 미팅룸을 포함한 사무영역을 외부와 버퍼해주는 동시에 저층에서 부터 수직으로 오픈된 에어아트리움을 형성, 공간의 이질감을 공평하게 쉐어한다.

물론 건축을 포함한 일련의 행위들을 단순한 이분법적으로 구분지어 정의하는 것이 편향된 시선을 만들 수 있다. 게다가 일방향적인 건축이 주는 불편함은 사용자로 하여금 그 공간에 대한 당위성을 떨어뜨리는 결과를 초래하기도 한다. 하지만 우리가 이번 프로젝트에서 주목해야할 점은 수많이 흩어진 다양성의 문제점을 산재시키지 않고 정의된 규칙으로 하나하나 정렬, 배치하여 건축이 지향해야할 당위성에 꼭 맞추었다는 점이다. 사회는 불공평할지언정, 건축은 공평하다.

reviewed by SJ

The configuration and extension of the town of El Ejido was done practically in the second half of the 20th century. The sharp increase in population has necessitated the provision of a new courthouse to concentrate all the powers of administration of justice. The site chosen to locate the complex is in an expansion area occupied by a low-storey building, low-rise housing and commercial vessels. The plot is situated in an enclave formed by the merging of two streets, with Avenue Oasis forming an important route connecting the town with the coast. Given these circumstances, the first premise of the project was to give the building an imposing volume available in the area and that would give the whole building its institutional character which requires a courthouse.

Architects: Andrés López Fernández
Location: , Almería, Spain
Area: 8,109 sqm
Year: 2011
Photographs: Manolo Toledo, Fernando Alda

Collaborators: Marcos Plazuelo López, Jesus Bozzo Fdez. de Tirso, Rosa Palacios Garrido, Rufino M. Quesada Molina, Peter Taner, Juan L. Bellod, Tomas Ruiz de Terry, Sandra Polonio, Miguel Arrocha, Cristina Cuadro, Inmaculada García, Francisco Soler, María Romero, Laura Organvidez, Tibisay Cañas, Catalina Fernández.

The plot is in the form of an isosceles triangle with two sides that give the base paths and streets its dividing line. The work was carried out with two blocks of varying heights parallel to the dividing wall.  Separate from this, was a little street-level access ramp to the underground and connected plant floor, basement and second floor. This arrangement freed up a frontal square area that served as an open-air atrium. The square is dominated by its space and the building’s great height, rather than any single feature, and is situated on the dividing lower block in order to suit the surrounding buildings.

The building is intended to convey the two conditions inherent in the administration of justice. On the one hand the strength and firmness shown by the strength of the buildings geometry and structural material. Then on the other hand, transparency, enshrined in the constitution of the porous boundary walls and partitions that allow friendly and complex nuanced relationship building in an urban environment. In fact, the construction of the main facade is reminiscent of poles placed on shelves.

The program meets the requirements of building uses and circulation of the various users of the complex. Access is from the front square. At this level the main hall and the services of bigger audiences, the wedding hall, civil registration, general office, police court and clinical forensics are all accessible. The last two have direct access from the street. The main hall is connected with the most important space of the building. The waiting room has views of the first floor through a staircase, which is empty, and a gallery overlooking the square.

The waiting room has a height of 20 metres and has a set of vertical vacuums inside. This is protected by a lattice of concrete and glass, which also opens up into the offices in the courthouse, located in the five upper floors. The larger block then assumes the duties of citizen services, courtrooms and offices of courts and prosecutors. The small block houses archives, the police court, medical examiner and new judicial office. The integral part of this idea of transparency and neutrality uses materials made of glass and other materials with white and metallic tones. What is left are only warm feeling finished materials which are used in representative areas such as the wedding hall and courtrooms.

from  archdaily


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