*아툴레이루스 전쟁을 기념하며 [ Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos + Oficina Ideias em Linha ] Center for Interpretation of The Battle of Atoleiros

시간을 관통하다. 14세기 역사적인 전투; 아툴레이루스 전투를 기념하는 뮤지엄은 대지의 시간을 현재의 장소에 투영하며 대지가 갖고 있는 시간테의 단면을 표출한다. -14세기 치열한 전쟁터였던 장소는 이제 도시정원으로 도시인들의 퍼블릭 스페이스, 커뮤니티를 제공하는 어반 노드로 제공된다.- 

과거의 흔적을 고스란히 담아내는 건축적 어휘의 사용은 장소의 시간을 은유적으로 때로는 직설적으로 재구성한다. 중세시대 건축의 촉감적인 텍스쳐는 불규칙적인 컬러 콘크리트의 장중함 속에 수평으로 삽입된 판석 슬래브와 함께 살아 움직인다. 마치 사람의 손으로 빚은 것처럼.

이러한 건축적 어휘의 하일라이트를 이루는 보이드 스페이스는 직설적으로 도시정원과 도시를 연속시키는 동시에 은유적으로  과거의 시간과 현재의 공간속으로 연속시킨다. 비움과 채움의 다른 눈으로 두개의 장중한 메스는 거대한 두손이 대항하듯 서로 마주하며 싸우는 듯한 뉘앙스를 적나라하게 표현한다. 그렇게 뮤지엄은 현재의 커뮤니티를 보장하는 공간이자 장소의 당위성을 전파하는 울림장이 된다.

reviewed by SJ

*Battle of Atoleiros 아툴레이루스 전투

The Center for Interpretation of the Battle of Atoleiros, in Fronteira, is a cultural equipment intended to raise social awareness on the several perspectives over the battle occurred on April 6th 1384, and its importance in the context of the dynastic disputes between the kingdoms of Portugal and Castela, by the end of the XIVth Century.

Architects: Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos, Lda + Oficina Ideias em Linha – Arquitectura e Design, Lda
Location: Fronteira,
Architect In Charge: Gonçalo Byrne, José Laranjeira
Design Team: Doriana Reino, Ana Abrantes, Miguel silva
Area: 935 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: FG + SG

Landscape Architect: Marta Byrne
Structural Engineer: Miguel Villar, Dina Martins
Water, Drainage And Fire Network Project: Marta Azevedo, Jorge Pinheiro
Electrical And Telecommunication Installations Project: Alírio Góis
Air Conditioning Project: Galvão Teles
Integrated Safety Planning Project: Alírio Góis
Energy Certification: João Costa
Acoustic: João Costa
Multimedia Content: Johan Schelfhout
Measurements And Budgets: Fidélio Santana
Contractor: Centrejo
Site Coordination & Construction Supervision: Rui Ferreira

Given the impossibility on plotting the Interpretation Centre on-site, in the battlefield area, the City Council approved its plot in the town core, on a location with high visibility and inserted in an urban park system that simulates and evokes the old battlefield.During the visit to the Interpretation Centre, visitors will experience different visual perspectives of the battle field, but also about the history, through its protagonists and authors, led by the hand of the painter Martins Barata.

A large bench, at the end of the exhibition circuit, presents urban park in all its dimensions, rehearsing another exhibition discourse, this made of vegetables and inert elements, a sculptural dimension that simulates the plains and the imagination refers to the Battle of Atoleiros.


The body of the building recalls the tactility of the traditional medieval construction, presenting rough textured surfaces, achieved by the use of pigmented concrete with raw and irregular expression, very close to the primal textures achieved by human hand. This texture is enhanced by interposing lines of schist slabs in the horizontal joints of the building.

As a whole, the building generates a gravitational presence; almost an earth sculpture dyed in its own tonalities, evoking time in the spontaneous patina patterns, resembling a stained vertical battlefield, between a small and a larger body, like the two armies in conflict.


The combined use of concrete walls and a structure formed by a concrete column / beam / slab system, allowed maximal area exploitation and the display of generous exhibition areas.

Through the completion of consoles the structure had acquired more complexity, allowing lateral glazing and motivating an open relationship between inner and outside areas, between exhibition and urban park.


Portuguese southern landscape has a golden / reddish tone. The reddish wash of the building tries to emulate those colors and patterns, therefore reinforcing a sense of belonging.

Color and textures are also enhanced by the usage of the same pitch used on the urban park paving system, serving as an essential framework for the Interpretation Center, yet reinterpreting the battlefield original landscape.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY