*칭다오 진주 언덕위에 방문자 센터 [ Bohlin Cywinski Jackson ] Tsing Tao Pearl Hill Visitor Center

클래식에 대한 재고. 여기 방문자 센터는 중국 전통 목조건축에 대한 재고의 장소로 제안된다. 센터를 구조화하는 쇼케이스 스트럭쳐는 현재 중국문화에 적응 가능한 현대적인 재료의 사용과 기술의 혁신을 통한 역사적인 목조건축의 선례를 재현한다. 건축재료로써 나무의 대두는 지속가능한 건축의 큰 테두리 안에서 친자연적이며, 재생가능한 디자인 요소로의 접근에서 시작된다. 그러한 목적은 이곳 방문자센터를 구성하는 주요한 3가지 포인트에서 구현된다. -중국 전통목조 건축의 구축방식, 돌로 이루어진 기단부, 주춧돌과 그 위에 세워진 나무 기둥 그리고 주변 자연경관을 닮은 곡선형 지붕- 센터를 만나는 도입부; 주출입구, 고객 대응 판매 서비스 구역, 커피 바, 이렇게 내부를 구성하는 주요한 공간은 대지의 형상에 따라 자연스레 배치, 조닝되며 하부 석축의 단단한 기단위에 굴곡진 지붕으로 단일화 된다. 특히 전통가구 결구방식을 재해석한 360 범용 커넥터는 나무기둥의 자연스러운 배치 -마치 대나무 숲에 들어와 있는 듯한, 구조물이 아닌 자연요소로써 시퀀스를 연출하는- 를 연출하며 공간을 더욱더 풍성하게 한다. 결국 효용성 있는 재료로써 나무의 사용은 인공적인, 획일화된 공간 제작을 위한 소모품이 아닌 우리 주변 자연환경과의 동기화를 위한 매개체로 동반지속에 목적을 두어야 한다. 클래식은 변화하지 않는 불변의 가치를 이야기 한다.

reviewed by SJ

The visitor center represents an international collaboration to reintroduce wood construction in China. The showcase structure reinterprets historic precedent using modern materials and innovation to accommodate current Chinese culture.

Independent lectures by both the architect and engineer at a respected Chinese University advocating the potential of wood design led to the initial contact for the project. The primary interest in reintroducing timber into Chinese construction typologies was based on wood being a renewable material and sustainable strategy.

Architects: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Location: Qingdao, Shandong,
Design Team: Robert Miller, Jeremy Evard, AIA – Project Manager, Alan Dodson,
Adam Pazan
Area: 22,000 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Nic Lehoux, Courtesy of

After visiting the site and noting the precedent of traditional Chinese architecture composed of stone plinths and curved roof forms, a building with a heavy stone base and cloud-like roof was sketched. Three key locations were identified in the building; the entry point, the sales desk, and the tea bar and from each of these positions the undulation of the roof frames the view of the Pearl Hill ridge line. A forest of columns reminds the visitor of the bamboo groves of the entry drive. Native vegetation on the roof further mimics the site in color and texture.

The program of the building starts its life as a marketing center and tea bar. As the development sells its homes the building will be converted into a visitor center and restaurant for both residents and public visitors to the Pearl Hill Preserve, with its extensive trail system for hikers, pedestrians and bicycles.

After initial discussions with the client made clear the 234 day timeframe and existing technologies would not allow for extensive manipulation of heavy timber or time intensive engineered wood solutions, a practical decision was made to use local technologies and methods for quick and cost effective construction of the stone base.

The team devised a novel new approach to a very old method of side nailed straight 2x dimensional wood by juxtaposing each member ever so slightly against the next to create a purposeful twist in the panel, forming a series of large undulations in the roof plane.

The team needed to then invent technology to accommodate the tolerances necessary to marry the roof and pedestal into a visually cohesive piece of architecture. The roof’s independence from the base permitted precious additional time for development of the wood systems.

To accommodate the tolerances required in the site fabricated panels a 360-degree universal column connector, inspired by automotive drive-shafts, was invented to allow for field positioning of the columns while maintaining axial loads through the bases.

from  archdaily


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