*글램핑 텐트, 자연을 만나다 [ ArchiWorkshop ] Glamping tents shaped like worms and doughnuts

풍부한 자연환경 속 자리한 클램핑 플레이스는 색다른 캠핑의 즐거움을 선사한다. 아웃도어 레크레이션을 편안하게 즐길 수 있도록 도와주는 글램핑텐트는 기존 캠핑텐트와는 차별화되는 공간, 경험을 제공하며 총 두가지 타입으로 배치된다. 조약돌로 부터 영감을 받아 제작된 적층된 도넛형태와 선형 모듈 시스템으로 사용자의 취향에 따라 가변적으로 활용할 수 있는 모듈러 시스템 타입으로 디자인된다. 그리고 이러한 유닛을 구성하는 고궐리티 멤브레인은 방수, 내화, 자외선차단의 기능을 수반하며 우리나라 사계절에 기후에 대응하도록 2개의 레이어로 구축된다.

각각 텐트는 다음과 같은 테마로 제공되며, 실내에 설치된 예술작품이 페인팅된 아트월과 함께 자연속 색다른 경험을 선사한다. 각각 텐트는 바다, 사막, 개울, 산, 계곡, 숲, 강, 도시의 이미지를 테마로 디자인, 건축과 자연의 경계를 자연스럽게 합성한다.

reviewed by SJ

Glamping Architecture by ArchiWorkshop offers a unique camping experience. Two types of Glamping units with contemporary design positioned in the middle of gentle Korean nature. From the Glamping site, you have a view of the valley, miles of forest and the stream.

Architect: ArchiWorkshop.kr (Hee-Jun Sim, Su-Jeong Park)
Client: Glampers


Why not create a Glamping that gives people a chance to experience nature closer, while also providing a uniquely designed architecture experience? These questions led to the creation of Glamping Architecture in Korea - a place where nature, ecological values, comfort and modern design are combined for an exciting adventure.

We developed two types of Glamping units. Stacking Doughnut unit is inspired from pebble stones. And Modular Flow unit is designed for extendable structure by juxtaposing modular floor panels.

These ideas behind stacking donut unit and modular flow unit are to offer high-standard accommodation in various places. We named them sea, dessert, creek, mountain, cave, forest, river and city.


Glamping unit uses quality membrane which has characters to UV protection, water-proof, fire resistant. Double layered skins provide better resistance against extreme Korean four-season weather condition.

For the complex geometry of the outer skin, computer animated surface plans are plotted with 2D cutters and welded with a high frequency technique, which gives absolute water tightness. The shape and the position of the structures are carefully considered to give aesthetic emergence during both day and night time.


Each Glamping unit has toilet booth with art wall finish, which is painted by young Korean artist. The furniture is also designed by ArchiWorkshop which suits well in the limited inner area. The folding furniture becomes sitting sofa during the day and sleeping bed at night.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY