*라이트 트리 [ Orproject ] Vana

건축을 디자인하는 영감은 자연을 모티브로 시작되는 경우가 많다. 이번 오브제 프로젝트 또한 자연의 일부분 식물; 나무를 모티브로 구조화, 공간에 색다른 시퀀스를 형성한다. 치열한 생존법칙 속에 각 식물들은 저마다 더 많은 가지와 잎사귀를 통해 광합성한다, 그리고 성장한다. 이러한 형태론; 타이폴로지는 이번 오브제의 구축, 형태론에 적용되며 삼각형태의 세그먼트로 타이트한 형태를 구축한다. 천장에서 지면까지 연속된 형태의 흐름은 디지털 시뮬레이션된 형태를 패브릭케이션하며 내부의 LED를 통해 빛의 기둥으로 발현된다. 이러한 실험을 통해 구축된 타이폴로지는 향후 캐노피를 지지하는 구조물로 활용 가능하다.

reviewed by SJ

Orproject developed a series of algorithms that digitally generate open and closed venation patterns, which can be used to simulate the growth of topiaries. The systems consist of a set of seed points that grow and branch towards target points in order to maximize exposure to light for each leaf. The resulting geometries fulfill these requirements and provide a suitable structural and circulatory system for the plant.

Title: Vana
Architects: Orproject
Project Architects: Rajat Sodhi, Christoph Klemmt
Project Team: Sambit Samant, Manu Sharma
Photographer: Sumedh Prasad and Orproject
All images copyright by Orproject.

The structural system of topiaries acts mainly in compression and bending. Reversing this, we can obtain a geometry that performs as a tensile system. The installation Vana is designed as a single surface in tension that hangs from the ceiling and descends into the space as four columns of light. The surface is tessellated into triangular segments which are connected by stitched joints. Back lit with LEDs, light shines through the gaps and illuminates the space below with an immersive glow.

As the prototype for a large scale canopy construction, Vana has been developed as an iso-surface around an anastomotic network diagram, as the cortex around the venation system. In a continuous transformation, nature merges into architecture, columns merge into the sky and solid merges into the ephemeral. Vana appears to grow as tree-like branches blending into a continuous canopy that floats above the visitor. The installation was designed for the India Design Forum and is on display at The Brick House, Project Jan-Path, New Delhi.

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY