*아라비아 컬쳐밴드, 킹파하드 국제 도서관 리노베이션 [ Gerber Architekten ] King Fahad National Library

전통의 계승, 새로운 컬쳐밴드의 형성 및 재결합을 위한 건축물의 위상은 장소에 의미를 부여하는 일련의 작업을 통한다. 그리고 이러한 장소성을 부여하는 건축물은 작게는 지역 내의 문화와 넓게는 아라비아 반도의 문화를 상징적으로 대표하게 된다. 사우디아라비아, 아라비아 문화의 아이콘으로 새롭게 제안되는 킹 파하드 국제 도서관은 기존 건축물의 다양한, 혼잡한 빌딩 패턴을 새롭게 재구성하여 아라비아의 문화적 컨텐츠를 새롭게 정렬하는 패턴 디자인으로 컬쳐밴드의 상징적 아이콘을 목표로 리노베이션 된다. 어반파크내 광장에 위치한 입지적 특징은 건축과 도시와의 상관관계를 매개하는 특징으로 건축물의 외형적 특징을 잘 드러내는 파사드 디자인에서 적나라하게 표출된다. 상징적인 이미지 구현은 물론 내부의 쾌적한 환경 조성을 위한 이중외피 시스템은 글래스 커튼월과 3차원 멤브레인 스크린으로 이루어지며 외부의 직사광선 방지와 풍부한 간접광을 유입을 시킨다. 또한 내부를 외부의 시선으로 부터 차단하는 필터역활 또한 수행한다. 기능과 디자인을 위한 파사드 디자인은 전략적으로 건축물에 아이텐티한 성격을 부여함으로써 장소성을 극대화하며 사우디아라비아 문화 부흥의 초석으로 배치된다.

reviewed by SJ

The project for the King Fahad National Library, one of the most important cultural buildings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, involved urban development and rearrangement and combines the challenge of designing within the existing building stock with respect for Arabian culture.

The King Fahad National Library represents the new centre of the rapidly changing Olaya District, and stands out clearly from the heterogeneous existing building pattern. The square new building in the centre of the urban park looks open and light, and is tied into the urban space despite its size. Gerber Architekten designed the existing park including parts of the available green space as a spacious square, and this and the library now form an urban unit.

King Fahad National Library, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Program: library
Architects: Gerber Architekten
Client: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Landscape architecture: Gerber Architekten with Kienle Planungsgesellschaft
Structures: Bollinger & Grohmann Ingenieure with Saudi Consulting Services
Main contractor: Saudi Bin Laden Group
Area: 86.632 sqm

The new building encloses the old one protectively, and combines itself with it in an unusual way, following monument preservation principles. The cruciform existing building, topped by a dome, is concealed inside the new building. The old structure is integrated as a building within a building, while its existing dome – originally in concrete – has now been reconstructed in steel and glass, and continues to be a cultural symbol of the library.

The entire former roof of the existing building, which occupies an extensive area, now provides a reading landscape flooded with light. Inside – as if hidden in a treasure chest, a knowledge storehouse – are the book stacks. Visitors access the open-access sections on the third floor of the new building via bridges from the reading area.

A new roof, punctuated by skylights under which white membranes gently distribute the light throughout the entire interior, covers everything.

The main entrance hall is on the ground floor, which also houses exhibition areas, a restaurant and a bookshop.

A library area for women only, in which they can spend time without a burka, is provided on the first floor of the new south wing; this space is separated from the other building uses, and is also accessed separately.

The key element of the façade was developed especially for the new building. It is a cladding made up of rhomboid textile awnings, marked by its play with revealing and concealing. Inserted white membranes, supported by a three-dimensional, tensile-stressed steel cable structure, act as sunshades and interpret the Arabian tent structure tradition in a modern, technological way.

During the night the façade glows with changing colours and becomes the city’s cultural lighthouse. This filigree steel cable structure has a solar penetration level of only 7 per cent, and at the same time makes it possible to look both in and out.

This façade was combined with ventilation and cooling for the building by means of layered ventilation and floor cooling. In this way, thermal comfort is increased and energy consumption significantly reduced by using certain methods and technologies for the first time in the Arab world.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY