[ b720 ] World Trade Center Iguala

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b720 architects won the competition for the World Trade Center at Igualada, Spain. The complex will articulate the existing industrial city with the residential zone, completing a new zone of infrastructure for this developing city.

The complex consist of 4 buildings with a total area of 53.000 sqm, including 530 underground parking spaces. This project will hold offices, retail spaces.

Retail space is located on the lower and first level of the first 3 buildings, as a base to the office space above it as you can see on the rendering. The upper levels are wider than this retail base, creating a covered space for pedestrians. Between the volumes, several spaces will allow for future occupation. Galleries on the upper floors will allow an exterior-interior continuity, integrating the mid-rise volumes with the exterior that starts to become more as a neighborhood than with this new relations, thus answering to the city council requirement to turn this project in not just office space, but a new urban centrality.

There’s only a few more images available (after the break), but we will keep in touch with b720 to bring you more on this project as it develops.

Client and developer: World Trade Center Igualada, S.A.

Location: Igualada, Barcelona, Spain

Architects: Fermín Vásquez (b720)

b720 Team: Fermín Vázquez, Cristina Algás, Pablo Garrido, Ángel Gaspar, Eike Grossman, Sebastián Khourian, Jaime Luaces, Carles Martínez-Almoyna, Leonardo Novelo, Gemma Ojea, Magdalena Ostornol, Oriol Roig, Dani Valdés, Ana Vicente-Arche.

Structure: BOMA S.A.

Services: JG

Budgets and measuring: G3

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Designed by JB FACTORY