*숯을 통한 친자연적 목재 방부처리가 가미된 정원오두막 [ Brendan Callander + Jason Pielak + Stella Cheung-Boyland ] Woodlands Community Garden Shed

 정원 오두막은 우드랜드 커뮤니티 가든 클럽과 UBC건축대학생들과의 파트너쉽을 통하여 디자인, 구축되었다. 정원의 구심점으로 로컬 교육프로그램을 위한 교육장 제공과 이를 수반하는 시설의 창고로 사용된다. 오두막의 유니크한 형상은 중심부에 위치한 미팅 스페이스의 차양확보와 오두막 주변에 위치한 식물에게 최소한의 그림자를 남기지 않도록 디자인 된다. 특히 박공지붕면에 디자인된 나무격자 패턴은 자연채광 확보와 독특한 구성미를 보여주며, 벽면에 설치된 그을린 삼나무 사이딩과 함께 오두막의 정체성을 완성한다. -대지의 화학적 오염 방지를 위해 방부처리한 목재 사용이 아닌 불에 그을린, 외피를 숯처리한 목재를 사용함으로써 친자연적인 디자인으로 내구성을 확보한다.

This garden shed was designed and constructed in partnership by UBC architecture students and the Woodlands Community Garden Club. This structure is the focal point of the garden, and it acts as a gathering spot for local education programs, and as well as a practical storage solution.

Architects: Brendan Callander +  + Stella Cheung-Boyland
Location: , Canada
Photographs: Dave Delnea Images

Institutional Partners: University of British Columbia, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Woodlands Community Garden Club, City Studio Vancouver, City of Vancouver

The unique form of the shed was designed to prevent shadows from being cast on surrounding garden plots while at the same time shading the central meeting space.The client(s) also requested that the use of chemicals be avoided on site to prevent leaching into the soil. Our solution was to use charred cedar siding as a natural way of protecting the wood.

The charred surface also doubles as a chalk-board wall, providing a surface for children and instructors to write on. In addition to the charred-cedar siding, a herring-bone patterned lattice system was used on the parts of the building that receive the most sunlight. The lattice allows for interior lighting as well as a potential place to grow vines. Seasonal vines would provide further shading to cool the structure in the summer months, while allowing more light into the building when dormant.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY