*두형제를 위한 주말주택 [ [mavarq] ] DATRI & DASA Homes


두명의 형제를 위한 다트리 앤 다사 홈.

대지의 전면은 호수를 후면은 골프장 코스를 향함. 요구사항; 하우스는 연속된 오프스페이스 요구, 이를 충족시키는 실질적인 공간구성과 외부공간과의 비쥬얼적인 커뮤니케이션 확보, 메인 홈으로 부터 언제든지 접근가능한 독립적인 개별실 구성, 상부 엔터테이먼트 스페이스는 집안 어느 곳에서든지 접근 가능 및 소통 가능하도록 요구. 재료; 심플함 재료의 최소한의 사용 이를 위해 스틸, 콘크리트, 유리가 주 재료로 사용됨. 주거의 배치; 두개의 하우스는 내부 중정; 외부공간을 중심으로 대칭형 분리, 각기 다른 형태와 기능으로 디자인. 이것은 여기 하우스의 중요한 공간적 체험을 제공하는 건축가의 설정으로 각기 다른 공간을 이동할때마다 체험할 수 있도록 함. 이를 위한 인테리어 마감재 또한 심플한 재료를 사용, 공간을 명확하게 드러나게 함. 

건축의 시작; 두명의 형제를 위한 주말주택, 서로 다른 취향과 요구조건 수용을 위한 디자인 전략 수립, 이는 공용공간의 활용에서도 다른게 표현됨, 다사하우스가 외부공간을 테라스와 그릴로 이용할때 다트리 하우스는 풀장과 유틸리티 시설로 배치 (컴플렉스 시너지가 극대화 되도록) 건축주의 취향 반영. 이를 위해 대지의 이해와 지역적 기후의 반영으로 하우스 건축은 시작. (외부 태양광과 지역 바람 패턴을 고려, 그리고 풀장 및 테라스의 실용적 사용을 위한 지형의 합리적 이해)

건축의 발전; 이러한 조건들을 수용하기 위해 볼륨은 지역의 전통적인 하우스를 참조한 두개의 단층으로 이루어진 워터 루프탑으로 디자인. 이 또한 건축적 컨셉의 반영 및 발전과정을 통해 다듬어져 현재와 같은 비대칭형 박공지붕 형태와 슬릿한 외형으로 완성. 두개의 공간에 대한 최소한의 간섭을 만족시키면서 공유할 수 있는 공용공간은 여기 하우스의 메인 중정을 통해 연속, 버퍼하는 동시에 연속시키는 건축의 리듬을 형성.

The Site: two adjacent plots of 14 mts. length by 36 mts. depth (504 mts.2) each, with the back facing North. The site has a continuous slant of 4 mts. from front to back.
The restrictions: The housing complex establishes restrictions of open space: 6 mts. to the front, which faces the lake; 7 mts. in the back (adjacent to the golf course); and 5 mts. alongside the lateral common border of both plots of land.
The requirements: DASA house required continuous open spaces, a complete physical and visual communication with exterior areas, a full room with independent access from the main home, and an upstairs entertainment area accessible and communicated from every other space in the home. The materials used were to be minimal and simple, thus the use of steel, concrete and glass were predominant.
DATRI house, on the other hand, required more spread out spaces and, different from neighboring DASA, that they be partitioned and differentiated from one another. It was important that the spatial experience of this home was such that space would be discovered as one moved from one space to another. In this case, there was an explicit demand for noticeable finishes to the interior that would mostly be covered by the use of simple materials.
The challenge: designing two weekend houses for two brothers with different tastes and requirements who shared an objective: common use of exterior areas where DASA house would contribute its terrace and grill, while DATRI house would share its pool and storage place as contributions to the synergy of the complex.

The proposal: the design of a two home complex.
Under this premise, the starting point was to consider sunlight, dominant wind patterns and topography as our main variables for the pragmatic use of the pool and terrace, which were to be located in the central part of both plots of land. Alongside these considerations, we chose as our volumetric model of reference the traditional country house with two-tiered water rooftop.
Once our variables were analyzed the decision was made to symmetrically split the initial volumetric scheme. Afterwards, each of the construction volumes were pushed to the opposing long ends of the plot in order to create a central common area.
As a result and in order to give a personality to each of the houses according to each of the brother’s tastes and requirements, we began to develop the architecture of each construction. Operations used for this were simple (subtracting, stretching, separating and dividing) and were helpful in conserving the initial scheme as much as possible the result of which, however, would define a unique volume and spatial experience.
The operations not only defined the interior spaces of the houses, but through their manipulation we sought to give form to the space between them: the common outdoor space. This was accomplished with the use of overhangs for second floors of both homes at the same time as taking advantage of the topography of the land by which four outdoor terraces were created to absorb and take advantage of the natural slant in the land. The first terrace is for the access level and garage; the second is dedicated to a contemplative desert garden; the third is at the level of construction of the houses. This common level is made up of a continuous surface area that makes up the terrace of both houses that are united at the center by a covered pool (the cover is made up of the same stone material), thus accomplishing a visual and material continuity that intentionally blurs the obvious cavity of the pool in the landscape. Lastly, a garden space in the rear of each of the houses seeks to give continuity to the grass covered landscape of the golf course.
Materially, and with the intention of obeying structural conditions, it was sought for the ground floor of both houses to be visibly is made of concrete. This made it easier for the ground floor to also play a role in strengthening the foundations of both houses and countering the gravitational pull of the cantilever used in the second floor. The volumes of the second floors are made up of various solid and closed form trapezoid bodies made up of exposed brick walls.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY