*덴마크 암 카운셀링 센터 [ Polyform ] Livsrum

공존하기 소통하기. 그리고 긍정적인 생활하기. 덴마크 알보그에 위치한 암상담센터는 덴마크에 거주하는 암환자들의 소셜활동과 건전한 생활을 보장하는 소통지향형 공간으로 제안된다. 전혀 소독냄새 나는 병원같지 않아 보이는 센터의 외형은 환자들에게 자연 속 집과 같은 분위기를 연출 시킴으로써 경직된 그들의 삶을 풀어주는 여유와 평온한 안식, 휴식 그리고 그를 통한 치유의 과정을 막힘없이 보여준다.

소통지향형 건축은 인근에 위치한 주거단지를 투영한 건축양식으로 심플한 형태의 잔디가 식재된 경사지붕과 따뜻한 적벽돌마감되어 이와같은 분위기를 연출시킨다. 무엇보다 암센터가 지향하는 대화형상담을 원활하게 이루어지도록 5개의 유닛은 막힘없이 리드믹컬하게 연계되며 환자들의 자발적인 소통을 불러 일으킨다.

그리하여 완성된 암상담센터는 환자들의 자발적인 소통유도를 통한 긍정적 사고를 고취하여 그들의 평온한 삶의 여행을 도와준다.

reviewed by SJ

“Design a house that invites the patient in and creates room for life”- this was the challenge Copenhagen Architects received from The Danish Cancer Society when entering the contest to design a cancer counseling center in Aalborg, Denmark.

Architects: Polyform
Location: Aalborg,
Design Team: Jonas Sangberg, Thomas Kock, Henrik Thomas Faurskov, Frederik Friborg, Christoffer Lissau Lund, Jette Kristensen, Signe Hertzum og Mette Susanne Hansen
Area: 1000.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Ty Stange

Engineers: Grontmij
Contractor: HP Byg

Nothing like a hospitalThe cancer counseling center opened in 2013 and the architecture both protects and greets the visitor. The five buildings making up the center presents itself in warm red brick and green grass roofs – and looks nothing like a hospital.  It was POLYFORMs distinct ambition to design a green and homelike facility that creates positive expectations and calmness as the patient enters the building.

A space for conversationCounseling and conversation are of course the main purpose of the building and the design reflects this in every aspect.  Placed in a residential area close to the hospital the building mirrors the scale and form of the residences next to – a conscious decision to give visitors the friendly feeling of visiting a home, where they can speak freely and intimately. The center is made up of 5 units with simple and overlookable interiors and exteriors appealing to openness and trust.  Each units rooms comes in different sizes and heights and features niches that invites visitors and staff to sit down for spontaneous talks.

Reusing cleaned up bricksPOLYFORM focused on using healthy materials and sustainable design all through the building process. By reusing cleaned up brick from an old building in Copenhagen the use of chemicals has been minimized, while the CO2 outlet has been reduced by not using new hard-burned bricks. The buildings green grass roofs are not only a sight for sore eyes but also manages excess rain water more efficiently then tile roofs.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY