*지속가능한 놀이터 [ tres birds workshop ] Vail Nests

자연에 대한 동경은 건축을 포함한 다양한 디자인 행위에 당위성을 제공하는 동시에 생태환경에 필수불가결한 거주환경의 조건을 충족시켜주는 기초가 된다. 여기 공원내 놀이터에 새롭게 설치된 놀이기구?는 자연으로부터 차용한 디자인 요소를 아이들의 흥미로운 놀이공간으로 다양한 상상장소를 생성한다. 놀이기구의 닉네임처럼 새둥지와 같은 외형적 특징은 친자연소재를 사용한 목재프레임을 유연한 곡선으로 디자인, 3개의 커다란 물방울 형태를 완성한다. 여기에 3개의 둥지를 연결하는 로프 및 브릿지는 또다른 다이나믹한 놀이를 지원한다. 자연과의 밀착된 경험을 통해 완성된 건축은 더욱더 풍부해지고 다양해지며 지속가능한 상상 놀이터를 생성한다.

reviewed by SJ

Aside from safety standards and guidelines, tres birds was given little direction and a lot of trust to design and implement a concept that would create an impression on Vail residents and visitors alike.
Connecting architecture to place as well as nurturing the connection between humans and the natural environment, tres birds workshop drew inspiration from surrounding bird habitats to form the main concept of the park- three large nest structures. The nests were created using a variety of wood species that make up the rib components and mimic original ski design. Each rib was treated using a mixture of oil, wax and tree resin. Using non-toxic materials was a top priority in building the park. In addition to the wood material and process selected, a stainless steel mesh fabric was used to close off areas in between the ribs.
Connecting the nests, are rope and bridge features, as well as a climbing wall that challenge kids during play. Various heights, uses and ages were accounted for in the park design and hideaway pockets within the nest structures provide ample fodder for kids’ imaginations. The park was also designed for access, where children with disabilities and adaptive skills can enjoy the playground features as well. At night, LED light beams shine from the center steel posts of each nest and make the park not just a kids destination, but an art installation for all ages to enjoy. Officially called ‘Sun Bird’, the name reflects both the assets of the park as well as an ode to vintage ski culture.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY