*뷰테라스 [ Didzis Jaunzems Architecture and Laura Laudere ] View terrace and Pavilion

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reviewed by SJ

View terrace and Pavilion are situated in memorial park The Garden of Destiny, on Krievkalna island, Koknese in Latvia.
The garden is a memorial place for the people lost in Latvia in last century and it will be completed as a gift to country on its 100th birthday in year 2018.

View terrace and Pavilion, Memorial park The Garden of Destiny, Krievkalna Island, Koknese, Latvia
Architects: Didzis Jaunzems Architecture and Laura Laudere
In collaboration with: Jaunromans and Abele
Completion: 2013

The View Terrace project started as an architectural competition and with a help of donations is now first realized permanent building in memorial park. The tight bound between Latvian people and nature has been emphasized in the project. Nature is a source of inner energy, strength, peace and harmony and consolation for Latvians.

The project has been designed considering and using sights particularities – trees, relief, most stunning view points. Viewing terrace and building has diversified levels of “openness”. This gives the opportunity to use the building in all kinds of weather conditions as well as lets visitors to choose the level which suits them better. The volume of the pavilion is designed so that it gradually grows from a bench into the building. Building is as a platform for harmonious interaction between people and nature.

from  domusweb


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