*랜드마크 파사드 [ Taller David Dana Arquitectura ] Constituyentes Illuminated Façade

건축적 어프로치는 빌딩과 거리간의 버퍼, 전이 또는 경계를 정의하는 디자인 요소로 건축이 갖는 어휘 중 가장 중요하게 사용된다. 이번 파사드 프로젝트를 통해 우리는 도시와 건축, 가로변과 공간에 대해 살펴보는 기회를 갖게 된다. 먼저 가로변으로 부터 시작된 시각적 흐름이 맺히는 전면광장과 5층 높이의 캔틸레버에 접점에 서 있는 건축물 외단부에 금속 프레임으로 구조화된 파사드를 세운다. 주변환경을 흡수, 통합하는 파사드는 보행자에게는 흥미로운 가로설치물로, 차량에게는 건축물을 인지시키는 랜드마크로 자리한다. 특히 모듈패턴 시공된 펀칭메탈은 한켜 뒤, LED조명의 화려한 움직임을 다양한 표정으로 표현하는 바탕이자, 전체 건축물을 외부로 알리는 웰컴 스페이스가 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The architectural approach integrates a front entry plaza that works as a boundary or transition between the building and the street. The office complex integrates 5 levels and has the great advantage of inserting natural daylighting in all four facades. All the floor plans are equal besides the fifth floor which has a frontal cantilever that is being supported with a metal structure of 23 meters of altitude. The main disadvantage of this structural skeleton was that is exposed in an area of high exposure.

Architects: Taller David Dana Arquitectura
Location: Avenida Constituyentes, City, Federal District,
Area: 798 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Alessandro Bo

Geometrica Developers contacted us to transform the metal frame in a single intervention that visually would integrate the project with its environment. This structure plays a major role in the design of the building and emphasize its presence in the surrounding context.

Our performance goal was to reduce the visual impact of the 5 level structure, also to address it as an art installation.

The starting point in our proposal was to relate the metal structure of the building with the entry plaza, creating a pedestrian and vehicular landmark that would become interesting at any time of the day. For the façade, we prefabricated a unique piece of perforated metal, this element was placed on the structure in different directions creating an attractive and dynamic geometry.

To complement the intervention we integrated a vertical LED lighting network that was extended and installed horizontally in the pavement of the square.

The strategy resulted as a unique intervention in a corporate building which accom- plished the objective of transforming the space into a dynamic installation that interacts simultaneously with the public and the private space.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY