*파사드 디자인 [ CFA-Cristián Fernandez Arquitectos ] Deloitte

파사드 디자인은 건축물의 지향점을 적나라하게 표현하는 주요 수단이자, 외부환경으로 부터 내부환경을 보호, 지속가능한 공간을 구현하는 기능적 요소로 사용된다. 제한적인 건축물의 상황을 수용하며 태양 복사로 인한 내부 열에너지 과부하 방지, 직사광선 방지와 더불어 풍부한 간접광 유입을 목표로 다음과 같은 5가지 변수를 고려, 반영한다.(칠레의 산티아고는 난방부하보다는 태양으로 인한 냉방부하를 효과적으로 관리하는 것이 화두이다.)

1.주변건물 그림자에 대한 연구

봄 중반, 여름, 가을 중반에 측정된 태양고도에 따른 건물의 그림자를 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션에 대입, 태양복사로 인한 열에너지 데이타를 구축.

2. 향에 따른 파사드 차별화

서쪽과 북쪽에 집중되는 태양복사 열에너지 검토.

3. 태양의 입사각을 고려한 파사드 각도의 최적화

태양의 일주를 고려, 연속된 유리창의 각도를 달리 주름진 파사드를 디자인.

4. 불투명 외관재료의 높이, 방향

내부환경에 영향을 최소한으로 하는 범위에서 (조망과 간접광 유입) 열부하가 발생하는 서측편과 북측편에 태양열을 차단하는 단열성능이 포함된 패널 시공.

5. 건물처마를 통한 통합 관리

각 층마다 상이한 각도로 연속된 유리창에 의한 쉐이딩 시스템을 통합관리하는 층간 처마형성.

reviewed by SJ,오사

This building, located in the most important and modern offices neighborhood in the city of Santiago, called “Nueva Las Condes”, is owned by an insurance company, belonging to Banco Bice, Chile. This proprietary company leases the building to the international firm Deloitte, who will be the users of the building for a period of 20 years minimum.

We as Architects, were commissioned the design and development of the project from the property managers, Colliers International. Subsequently, by means of a private contest, we were commissioned the 18,500 m2 indoor area for the Deloitte offices. This building, to be used by Deloitte, requires all international standards to classify as a Class A building with Leed gold certification.

Architects: CFA-Cristián Fernandez Arquitectos
Location: Las Condes, , Chile
Architect: Cristián Fernandez Eyzaguirre
Collaborators: Andrés Parker S., Adolfo Pinto A., Tamara Rodriguez P.
Project Area: 51,393 sqm
Project Year: 2012
Photographs: Felipe Díaz, Pablo Blanco

Construction: Novatec
Structures: Rodrigo Concha – RCP Ingeniería Ltda.
Technical Inspection: DRS Gestión Integral de Proyectos
Lighting: Maite Zubicoa
Acoustics: Cristóbal Kuskinen – Silentium
Electrical: Luis Moreno – Elecmor
Hvac: Cad Ingeniería
Landscape: Vivian Castro – Contierra
Client: Bice Vida Seguros S.A
Site Area: 7251 m2

From the first office building we designed in 1996, we have had great sensitivity and concern to incorporate the necessary elements to allow energy savings and user comfort into the architectural design. We integrate the concept of “Appropriated Modernity”, which is simply incorporating the specific characteristics of location, climate, culture and local identity, avoiding an uncritical copy of the strong influences we receive from the north.

Among the requirements requested was to generate a rectangular plan with dimension preset by the user. This, plus the demanding local regulations regarding building conditions, define the volume of the building.

Issues related to the design of the facades were studied from at least five variables, to reduce the heat gain from solar radiation as much as possible, and allow the entry of natural light into the offices. (In Santiago de Chile, due to its latitude, the biggest problem is how to cool buildings, as we have a large amount of solar radiation)

A.- Study of shadows cast by neighboring buildings.

We built a geo-referenced model that incorporates neighboring and newly constructed buildings. With special software, we did six measurements in the hottest periods of the year (from mid-spring, summer and mid-autumn). With this exercise we could build a map of incidence of solar radiation in the different sectors of the facades, according to the shadows cast by neighboring buildings.

B.- Differentiated analysis for the four facades.

This analysis also considered the orientation of the facades. The result was that the facades more exposed to solar radiation accumulation were the west and north facades.

C.- Optimization of the angles of the facades, according to orientation.

In the different facades, we placed the windows in more tangent angles to the angle of solar incidence at the most extreme times, which marks a difference between the natural angle of the building and these combinations of angles of the different sections of the facades. These combinations of angles generate a wrinkled facade, in the manner of a bellows.

In these angle combinations, we seek more length in the more tangent sections, and less length in the sections with more exposed or perpendicular angles to the solar radiation.

D.- Incorporation of opaque panels, according to height and orientation.

In the composition of the facades, we incorporate opaque panels, which nullify the caloric impact of solar radiation on the facade.

These panels are inserted, depending on the study of shadows cast by neighboring buildings and the facades orientations.

According to the study of cast shadows, the result was that the highest areas of the different facades have a greater number of opaque panels, as these areas receive a higher amount of solar radiation.

According to the analysis in terms of orientation, there is an increase of opaque panels in the west and north facades. The opaque panels are strategically placed, in the short lengths with a perpendicular angle to the solar incidence, allowing an optimization of the variables of closing out solar radiation, but without losing natural light.

E.- Incorporating solar protection eaves.

The geometry of the facade is made from the combination of modules that generate different angles, in the manner of a bellows, this naturally generates a large percentage of the facade surface to be protected from the incidence of radiation on the more vertical angles that occur in summer. The distance of the glass panes with the virtual perimeter of the building creates a shaded area on the facade.

All these variables are achieved with only three repetitive modules with their symmetric pairs, using software to study the combinations of angles and the location and number of opaque panels, trying to optimize the variables discussed above.


The Rosario Norte building is undergoing certification process under the LEED system, seeking access to the Gold category with a total of 62 points.

This score is divided as follows: 23/26 points for sustainable sites, 7/10 points in efficient use of water, 14/21 points in energy and atmosphere, 3/14 points in materials and resources, 12/15 Indoor Environmental Quality points and 2/5 points for innovation in design.

To get this score, it has been necessary to engage all project participants and their specialties to help achieve the goal of sustainability of the project.

Thus, this project has among its merits: The reduction of annual energy consumption by 30%, the reduction of water consumption by 35%.

Furthermore, the project collected both energy efficiency strategies and bioclimatic architecture considerations since the beginning of the design phase, emphasizing the study of radiation and shading of the facades. The result is a facade design that improves the performance of the building.

The project has a continuous thermal envelope, where we made a proper selection of high-performance glass. We also incorporate materials and the latest technology in their specifications. These include the use of regenerative lifts, selection of materials with low VOC, recycled content materials and the incorporation of regional materials.

In addition, we have implemented plans in the construction phase as control measures for the management of air quality during construction and plans to reduce the emission of dust and contaminants outside the construction site.

All these strategies are intended not only to achieve an efficient and low-energy building, but also to improve the indoor environmental quality for its occupants.

from  archdaily


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