대지로 부터 비스듬히 삽입된, 거대한 사선은 중국, 자유경제특구 텐진시의 30주년을 상징적으로 기념하는 랜드마크 설치물로 독특한 형상만큼이나 재미있는 아이디어로 도시를 어필한다. 교차로에 인접한 대지의 상징적인 장소성은 지역을 포괄적으로 통합하는 거대한 게이트로 제안시키며 지리적 여건을 감안한 디자인으로 진행된다. 두가지 시선에서 접근이 가능하다. 하나는 대지와 관계 맺은 유형의 오브제 이며, 또다른 하나는 하늘과 관계를 맺은 무형의 오브제; 빛으로 이 둘의 결합을 통해 랜드마크 설치물은 도시를 상징하는 어반게이트화 된다. -주야간 다른 환경은 주간의 태양빛 반사를 통한 빛을 굴절을 야간에는 내부 조명의 스펙트럼을 통한 빛의 산란을 표현한다.-
reviewed by SJ, 오사
Spanish architect Rafael de La-Hoz unveils the design for a landmark monument in Tianjin (China), for TEDA´s 30 years of existence.
TEDA (Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area)
is a gateway opening to the outside world, located at the heartland of
the Bohai Economic Rim, in the core area of Tianjin Binhai New Area. As
one of the first national bases for China’s advanced industrial and
financial reform and innovation, the landmark monument aimed to
represent the importance of TEDA’s 30 years of existence, as a liveable
ecological environment and a prosperous and harmonious platform of
China’s new economy.
Five world-renowned teams were invited to produce a design for a 60m new landmark monument under the theme “Beautiful TEDA”, which promoted a beautiful natural ecology and comfortable living environments for the area.
The design by Rafael de La-Hoz, under the title “A Cut between heaven
and earth”, is driven by an effort to analyze the process of
abstraction and reinterpretation of the site. Instead of locating the
object on the road junction, the new location enables a more balanced
dialogue with the existing buildings to provide a balanced space
in-between. The monument examines the essential link between
sustainability and beauty and can be further visually interpreted using
estimates of the fixation distance.
It is a singular project, unique for this site. The mirror which appears at the top is designed to reflect a ray of light specifically visible on December 6th to commemorate the birth of TEDA. During the night, two bodies, material and virtual, materialize to create the complete figure: the Immaterial Gateway.
from plusmood