*해변가 파빌리온 [ Pedder & Scampton ] New beach huts at Southend on Sea

최소한의 건축을 통해 최대한의 공간을 제안하다. 해변가 다양한 수변활동을 제공하기 위한 파빌리온; 해변오두막은 녹화지붕, 재활용 재료와 같이 친환경 디자인 요소를 사용, 해변가에 개인 테라스가 구비된 개별공간을 제공한다. 채색된 문과 셔터는 내부, 파빌리온을 지지하는 구조체의 강인함과 짝을 이루며 다채로운 환경을 형성한다. 그리고 재활용된 우드 팀버위에 마감된 투명한 폴리카보네이트는 기존 산책로 -콘크리트 구조물로 구축된- 와 해변의 드라마틱한 풍경을 제공하며 파빌리온의 디자인을 완성한다. 여기에 재미있는 점은 팀버 프레임과 폴리카보네이트 사이에 주변에 널부러진 자갈, 흙, 잔디등을 채워 벽의 단열성능을 확보, 저렴하면서도 효과적인 건축을 완성한다는 점이다.

reviewed by SJ, 오사

Brits are set to enjoy a late spring heatwave according to the Met office, which is good news for those lucky enough to have bagged one of the eight new beach huts at Southend, designed by London practice Pedder & Scampton.

The British love affair with the beach hut has never been healthier. Bidding for the 7-year leases of the huts at East Beach was fierce given their location just an hour and a half's drive away from London and perfect for last minute weekend getaways.

Pedder & Scampton's competition-winning design responded to an ambitious brief from Southend Council calling for 'a new generation' of beach huts. It updates the traditional format with an eco-friendly design featuring green planted roofs, recycled materials and a distinctive slanted shape that gives each individual hut its own private terrace.

Coloured doors and shutters create variety and a feel-good vibe within the bold repetitive structure. The walls of the huts – which are built on the existing raised concrete promenade with great views of the sea – are formed from recycled timber pallets bolted into timber frames and faced with tough translucent polycarbonate sheeting to the outside and plywood to the inner faces.

The wall cavities are then filled with layers of pebbles, gravel, glass chippings and shells, laid in drift layers visible through the plastic, giving the huts a beautifully tactile seaside aesthetic.

The simple, robust interiors allow for customisation, and can be painted or fitted out by tenants, looking to create a home-from-home to make a brew or read the papers in, whist still enjoying the tang of the salty air.

The freeholds remain with Southend Borough Council who, through local agents Haart, are now actively seeking interest from prospective tenants for a potential Phase 2 of the development, which already has planning permission.

Pedder and Scampton beat more than 40 other entrants in the competition, which was launched in August 2012. The designs were developed with structural engineers StructureMode.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY