클래식한 전화기 형상의 암체어는 개인적인 전화의 프라이버시를 확보한다. 주변으로 부터의 소음과 시선 차단, 밀도 높은 통화를 가능케 한다. 키치스러움이, 유쾌한 디자인을 완성한다.
the ‘firstcall’ chair has been developed by dutch designer ruud van de wier in collaboration with manufacturer easy-noisecontrol.
the form is based on the recognizable and classic shape of an old
phone, so that when sitting in it the surrounding noise is muted. the
quiet space enables people to make calls in office or public
environments, ensuring that they can concentrate despite being
surrounded by noisy situations. the ‘firstcall’ chair comes in a variety
of 32 colors and can also be ordered in a bicolored configuration.
from designboom