*트리하우스,자연 속에 머물고 싶다 [ Baumraum ] Treehouse Solling, Uslar, Germany

건축은 자연을 즐기기 위한 수단, 매개체로 특정한 장치없이 자연과 인간을 연결할때 비로서 비워지고, 사라진다. 그럼으로써 그 빈자리에 자연과 인간이 함께 머물 수 있도록 유지한다. 트리하우스의 시작은 풍부한 자연환경 속 수려한 솔송나무로부터 확장된 유기체의 모습으로 연못 위를 부유하는 드라마틱한 시퀀스에서 시작된다. 자연;나무를 형상화한 건축은 하우스와 대지를 연결하는 데크플레이스 그리고 그 데크 위 2층 규모의 하우스로 구성된다. 데크와 수평연결된 저층부는 다양한 소셜활동을 지원 및 공용공간으로 우드벤치가 배치되며, 외부 계단을 통해 접근가능한 상층부는 개인 침실이 배치된다. 여기에 건축은 본연의 모습만을 유지한채 자연과 인간을 쉽게 쉽게 연결한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The site of this treehouse near the town of Uslar in Lower Saxony is located beside an old forester’s house in a small side valley.

Access to the property is provided by a forest road running along a small brook with a few ponds. The house was restored with great effort and dedication and its surroundings were carefully landscaped. Natural stone walls, newly planted indigenous trees, and two large artificial pond habitats have turned the place into a nature lover’s delight and a haven for flora and fauna alike. The clients wanted a treehouse that would provide joy to their young son and to all friends of the family.

Treehouse Solling, Uslar, Germany
Architects: Baumraum (Andreas Wenning)

A handsome stand of hemlock spruce by the lower of the two ponds was chosen as the site of the treehouse, and soon the decision was made to set a two-storey treehouse tower into the pond itself and connect it with the hemlock spruces by means of a long terrace. The stairs, which form the access to the treehouse terrace, are located at the water’s edge. Two of the trees pierce the terrace to welcome visitors to the treehouse. From this vantage point, the narrow deck of larch wood seems to float above the water of the pond until it reaches the rounded treehouse tower. Here the visitor can choose to enter the room on the lower level or to take another exterior stairway to reach the upper sleeping area.

Both levels are equipped with plenty of loungers and benches as well as storage space and electrical connections. During the day, the treehouse serves as a vantage point for observing the creatures in the water and the adjoining meadows. Fish, frogs and even deer can be sighted from here. At night, the upper room is a comfortable place to sleep and dream and, when the skies are clear, to gaze at the stars through the domed skylight.

from  domusweb


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