*페루자에 위치한 지속성장 공간 [ HOFLAB ] Citadel of Construction

지속 가능한 공간을 지향한다. 이탈리아 페루자 자치구 새로운 헤드쿼터는 이질적인 요소의 결합, 대비를 통하여 도시공간에 새로운 타입을 제안한다. 이것을 다양하며 복합적인 어반 컨텍스트 속에서 아이텐티한 지속력을 갖는 공간을 목표로 다음과 같이 세부적인 목표를 중점으로 설계된다. 건축이라는 인공적인 공간 속에 자연 삽입하기, 경사지에 위치한 환경적 제약을 건축으로 극복하기, 최적의 볼륨 구현으로 내부환경의 질향상, 마지막으로 이러한 공간을 뒷받침하는 에너지 세이빙 운영이 그것이다. 그리하여 완성된 건축공간은 주변환경과 건축간에 발란스를 이루는 생태환경을 구현하게 된다. 수직 매개체로 연결되는 2개의 블록은 총 6개층으로 세분화되며 다음과 같은 프로그램으로 조닝된다. 지하주차장과 기계실 및 각종 유틸리티가 위치한 지하층, 트레이닝 공간이 위치한 반지하, 주출입구와 경사잔디가 매치된 지상1층 그리고 이곳의 메인 공간으로 교육실, 열람심, 컨퍼런스홀, 카페, 문서고 및 창고와 위치한 2층과 오피스 및 미팅룸이 위치한 3층으로 구성된다.옥상에는 교보재 역활을 수행하는 옥상정원 계획된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The new building, which hosts the headquarters of the unified building institutions of the province of Perugia (Centro Edile per la Sicurezza a la Formazione and Cassa Edile) acts as a connecting element, both typoligacally and figuratively, in a very heterogeneous semi-peripheral urban context characterized by a combination of the macroscopic scale in the form of plants and shopping structures and the microscopic one, represented by detached dwellings.

Architects: HOFLAB
Location: via tuzi 11, Via Pietro Tuzi, 11, 06128 ,
Architect In Charge: Paolo Belardi, Carl Volckerts, Alessio Burini, Valeria Menchetelli
Project Manager: Massimo Marinelli
Area: 4600.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Dario Diarena

Structural Design: Area Progetto Associati
Contractors: Seprim sas, Edilcostruzioni srl

The project aims to make a good example, basing its identity on motives of environmental sustainability. All the principles inspiring it, different from one another but all aimed at the same objective, centre on this concept. The primary principle aims to recover “green” by recreating a natural micro-habitat within a highly artificial area. The second principle aims to gain land with a building raised from the ground allowing room for a green slope. The third principle aims to guarantee a comfortable and healthy indoor climate by featuring a system of courts which, vaunting an optimal exposure and assuring a varied outlook, assures a high environmental quality. The fourth principle aims to save energy by promoting a conscientious use of resources which is principally dealt with through the typological characters and the spatial conformation, and secondarily through the technical components: the metal sunscreen, the small scale wind turbines, the solar thermal and photovoltaic systems all act in different but complementary ways, allow a rational consumption of energy.

The purposes and goals inspiring the project express a desire to overcome rampant urbanization in its own right; together with the high bioclimatic performance of the building, they advocate an auspicious reconciliation between architecture and environment.

In terms of distribution the building, which is compact when seen from the outside and complex within, is organized in six floors, connected by two blocks of vertical communication. The basement, accessible from a car ramp, houses parking lots and technical areas, the semi-basement is reserved for training activities, while the ground floor, covered by a sloping lawn, is left free with the exception of the vertical connection units, which also contain the main entrance. The first upper floor houses spaces dedicated to educational activities, the reading room and the conference hall, a café, archives and storage, the second offices and meeting rooms. The roof vaunts a didactic technological park.

The intentionally exemplary character of the building is confirmed by a system of literary quotations from literature on the art of building, taken from the repertoire of best Italian treatises (Marco Vitruvio Pollione, Leon Battista Alberti, Andrea Palladio, Francesco Milizia etc.), which appear here and there in the interior, in the form of graphic wall decorations.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY