*플로팅 팀버 [ March Studio ] thousands of timber planks to staircase of Canberra's Hotel Hotel

플로팅 팀버는 공간을 확산 또는 응축시키며 역동적인 공간의 흐름을 시각화 한다. 칸버라 호텔의 공용공간; 라운지, 중앙계단을 새롭게 정의하는 플로팅 팀버는 공간을 구획하는 시각적인 효과는 물론 물리적인 동선차단과 시선유도로 인한 효과적인 조닝을 완성한다. (그로 인해 독창적인 경험 공간들이 탄생된다.) 마치 디지털, 픽셀화된 이미지로 공간을 치환하며 두가지 방향으로 공간을 전개한다. 하나는 공간 속에 흩어지는, 서서히 사라지는 블로어 스페이스를 연출, 적갈색 글라데이션으로 공간을 변화시킨다. 두번째는 관찰자의 시점에 따라 변화하는 공간, 동적공간을 생성한다. 시점에 따라 변화하는 공간은 관찰자의 움직임 및 다양한 흐름을 포착 시각화함으로써 기능적 공간 위에 건축을 설명할 수 있는 또다른 이슈를 생성한다. -장식은 죄다. 불필요한 장식은 배제하고 공간에 맞춘, 필요한 것들이 생성하는 심미적인 것들만이 건축을 있게하는 당위성이다. 이러한 모던 건축이후, 포스트 모던으로 다양한 디자인이 시도되고 있다. 어디까지 오너먼트이고, 어디까지 필요에 의한 시스템인지, 구분하는 것이 공간의 고유한 특성을 정의하는 수단이 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Located in NewActon, a diverse new precinct in Canberra, Nishi Commercial is a major new development housing government departments, private offices, a cinema and cafes. The lobby, designed by March Studio, projects a unique identity through thousands of lengths of repurposed timber, blurring boundaries while directing views and movement.

A grand stair - the stage for performances as much as idle procrastination - leads up to the HotelHotel lobby and bar. In the stair the timber is heavy, grounded, a stacked agglomeration. Freed to scatter up the walls and across the ceiling, the suspended timber filters exterior light and views into and from internal spaces. Spidery, pixellated shadows are cast on the floor and bare walls.

The stair links Nishi Commercial to Nishi Residential, a multi-storey apartment building, housing two floors of hotel rooms, wrapped around a central courtyard and light well. The ground floor contains HotelHotel's lobby, reception, concierge and bar, as well as retail and hospitality tenancies.

On the ground floor of the boutique hotel, March Studio was engaged to create spaces which encouraged residents, guests and visitors to linger in what can oen be a transient space.

The walls in the hotel lobby - and the seating, the benches, the counters - are an attempt to bring the handmade into the rigorous, polished building around it. Materials - custom gluelam timber, precast concrete beams - are allowed to sit, unadorned, stacked in a simple manner, overlapping, their joints overrunning and poking out. The singular system - the same for both materials - is stretched where needed, opened where useful, broken where forced.

A large space is enveloped in this manner and then diffused, variegated by operations within these rules, to allow for spaces which have their own character. Doors that are part opening, part display, continue this language in apparently weightless steel. This steel is picked up to lighten the bar, where stacked concrete props up sleek steel, which weaves into and halts the flow of suspended timber bursting up the stairs from the commercial lobby.

Above the seating in front of the bar, large holes have been punched into the concrete slab capping the space. These portholes allow glimpses into the courtyard above and natural light to enter the space.

The main entrance to Nishi Residential, opposite the linking stair, was also part of March Studio's brief. Outside is a canopy which shrugs off its weight with flowing timber recalling the Commercial Lobby. The entrance airlock is lined on two walls and ceiling with what could be steel punchcards for an ancient mainframe.

Filling the gaps punched in these steel sandwich panels are amber marbles, thick glass which filters the light and warms the space.

The directionality of the commercial lobby is mirrored here, in the lines of punched holes on wall and ceiling, which scatter across the rear wall and flow into the stacked timber of the HotelHotel library.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY