*노스텔지아 파빌리온 [ Room 11 ] Gasp! Stage 2

장소의 노스텔지아를 재구성하다. 풍부한 자연환경, 아름다운 풍경과 함께하는 파빌리온은 주변에 위치한 각 공간; 스쿨, 플레이그라운드, 메이져 엔터테이먼트 센터, 조정클럽을 연결하는 구두점으로 이전 수변공간의 향수를 재현한다. 이러한 공간적 구성은 함축적인 건축언어를 통한 간결함으로 빛에 투과된; 재조명된 자연을 공간 속에 투영한다. 무엇보다 자연 속에 상실되지 않는 건축의 힘이 주위환경을 리드하고 새로운 생태환경?을 조성함으로써 그 특별함을 생성한다는 것이 이번 파빌리온 프로젝트가 주는 장점이 아닐까 싶다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Glenorchy Arts and Sculpture Park, GASP!, is Room 11’s first foray into public architecture.

Along the River Derwent in Glenorchy, Tasmania, Room 11 has built a colourfully calibrated public walkway which deftly links previously marginalised, but surprisingly beautiful sections of foreshore.

Gasp! Stage 2, Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia
Program: pavilion and boardwalk
Architects: Room 11
Client: Glenorchy City Council
Length: 3km
Materials: timber, stainless steel, concrete, glass & paint.
Completion: 2013

“We move on from nostalgic visions of place making and embrace interstitial ‘spaces’ with relish.” states Thomas Bailey, Room 11 lead architect.

Abundant birdlife and the silky surface of the river are able to be closely inspected as one walks the gentle arc which links an existing school, playground, major entertainment centre and rowing club.

Punctuating the arc are two carefully crafted pavilions which offer shelter, seating and a location to pause and consider the water plane and sky.

The staged project was the result of a limited design competition in 2010. Stage 2, a subsequent pavilion and concrete courtyard upon a redundant industrial platform has recently been completed. Maniacal blunt forms frame and command the superlative Tasmanian landscape.

GASP! has been conceived as a ribbon along which contemporary art events and installations can occur, the new architecture is an important feature of this. Turner Prize winning Artist Susan Phillipz was commissioned by GASP! to undertake the inaugural art project, The Waters Twine an 8 channel sound project embedded into the boardwalk in March 2013.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY