*파시토르니 호텔, 시대를 연속하다 [ K2S Architects ] Paasitorni Hotel

장소에 대한 기억을 연속시키다. 핀란디아홀, 오페라 하우스, 중앙역이 주변에 위치한 헬싱키 파시토르니에 새롭게 들어선 호텔은 새로움 보다는 장소에 대한 기억과 함께 공존하는 방법을 모색, 서로 다른 4시대가 공존하는 특별함을 구현한다. 1908년 노동자들을 위한 공간을 시작으로 초기 아르누보 양식 건축물과 전쟁으로 파괴된 건축물의 확장으로 지어진 1925년대 북고전주의 양식, 그리고 1955년 또 한번의 확장된 모던건축, 최근 2012년에 건립된 컨퍼런스 및 호텔까지 다른 시대가 한 구역안에 공존 한다. 이러한 특별함은 호텔을 디자인하는 주요한 테마로 호텔의 외벽면을 디자인하는 아이보리 화이트 벽돌, 그리고 벽돌의 공극 패턴 (이번 프로젝트를 위하여 특별히 제작된 벽돌 / 벽돌의 벌어진 틈을 통하여 호텔 내부는 중정 및 외부환경과 관계를 맺는다. 또는 이 간극을 통하여 외부환경은 필터링 된다.) 에도 유연한 형태로 적용된다. 각기 다른 시대의 벽돌을 한눈에 경험하는 특별함을 선사하는 중정의 지하에는 800석 규모의 대형 컨퍼런스 룸이 배치된다. (중정에 설치된 대형 천창을 통하여 자연채광을 확보한다.) 총 170객실은 고풍스러우며 넓은 1925년대 객실, 모던하며 컴팩트한 1955년대 객실, 현대적인 감각이 살아 있는 2012년대 객실로 구성 이곳을 찾는 이들에게 다양한 경험을 제공한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The granite Paasitorni fortress was originally built for the use of Helsinki labor movement. It was designed by Karl Lindahl and the first phase was completed 1908. Now the block functions as a successful conference center. Paasitorni Hotel comprises of two existing buildings and a new wing hidden behind early 20-century and 1950s facades.

Architects: K2S Architects
Location: , Finland
Project Architect: Juha Sundqvist
Head Designers: Mikko Summanen, Kimmo Lintula and Niko Sirola
Design Team: Mikko Näveri, Matias Manninen, Tommi Terästö, Elina Tenho, Tommi Mauno, Teija Tarvo, Jarno Vesa, Outi Pirhonen, Tetsujiro Kyuma, Kristian Forsberg
Project Year: 2012
Photographs: Courtesy of K2S Architects

Project Area: 4,209 sqm
Client: HWA Helsinki Workers Association

The architectural guide line has been to emphasize the arhitectures of four distinct eras that are present in the Paasitorni quarters – 1908, 1925, 1955 and 2012.

The geometry of the new wing is softly curving in order to allow flow of space and light. Facades are constructed of ivory white brick. On two sides of building the brick facade turns into brick ”lace” which functions as a filtering layer between the rooms and the inner court yard. During the night the new wing glows like a snow lantern. A customized brick was developed for especially for the project. The brick has oval shaped holes in both ends to allow tolerance for the steel supports used to strengthen the wall. Also the lively surface texture of the brick was developed for this particular use.

The inner courtyard was previously used mainly as a service yard. Now the innercourtyard and the first under ground level have been turned into a new heart for the whole block. The roof windows – “the light ponds”- give a new character to the space as well as provide natural light and space to the underground level. They serve as an important means of orientation within the block. Under the new hotel wing there are three new conference spaces. The largest of them is a conference hall for an audience of 300.

The hotel is located in three parts of the quarters – the twenties, the fifties and 2012. Thus there are three different atmospheres in the hotel. Were as the twenties rooms are more spacious and traditional, the fifties rooms are more compact. The rooms in the new wing are most contemporary in style and two thirds of them have balconies.

In addition to the hotel and conference spaces a completely new level for logistics and service has been built below the sea level. The level can be accessed with a service trucks and provides a modern system of logistics for this historical quarters.

The construction of the new additions are mostly cast-in-situ concrete.

The design philosophy concentrates in respecting the listed buildings and in adding a unique contemporary layer of architecture inside the exiting framework. The restoration of listed facades and interiors have been made in close cooperation with the Helsinki City Museum and the National Board of Antiquities.

from  archdaily


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