*시안-리퍼풀 대학 어드민 인포메이션 빌딩 [ Aedas ] Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Administration Information Building

중국 소주 산업단지 공원 내 위치한 대학은 도시의 풍부한 전통과 빠르게 발전하는 개발환경의 조화로운 공존이 하모니를 이루는 환경 속에 새로운 이정표를 세운다. 소주의 유명한 타이후 스톤을 모티브로 디자인된 어드민 인포메이션 빌딩은 그 특유의 질감과 다공성으로 건축물 외관에 독창적인 캐릭터를 부여한다. (오랜 침식, 풍화과정을 거친 라임스톤 계열의 석재로, 독특한 텍스쳐가 퀄리티 있는 디자인 요소로 적용된다. 많은 조경 디자이너들이 선호하는 재료이기도 하다.) 그리고 여기 석재의 자연적인 질감 (다공성?)은 다양한 공간을 기능적으로 연결하는 보이드 스페이스에서 어드민센터, 러닝 앤 리소스 센터, 트레이닝 센터, 스튜던트 액티브 센터를 연속시키는 매개체로 작용한다. 그리고 이를 통해 자연채광 및 자연환기를 확보함으로써 내외부의 밀착된 경험과 지속성을 구현하게 된다. 국제적인 교육협력을 위한 학교는 중국 시안 대학교와 영국 리버풀의 합작으로 동서양의 새로운 시너지를 개대해 본다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Located in Suzhou Industrial Park, the Xi’an Jiaotong–Liverpool University occupies a beautiful environment where there is a harmonious coexistence of the city’s rich cultural traditions and its rapid economic development. Aedas’ design for its Administration Information Building was inspired by the famous Taihu stone unearthed around the Suzhou city.

Architects: Aedas
Location: , Jiangsu, China
Area: 59,893 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Courtesy of Aedas

Project Design Director: Andy Wen
Client: Suzhou Industrial Park Education Investment Development Co. Ltd.

Taihu stones are sometimes referred as scholar’s stones, as they are much appreciated by Chinese scholars. They are a kind of limestone exposed to long term wave erosion, resulting in pores and holes all over the stone. Peculiar and precipitous in appearance, the stones are of high ornamental value and have been a garden designers’ favorite since the ancient time.

The porous nature of the stones is transformed into a void structure with functional spaces linking up different programes within the building, including an administration center, a learning and resources center, a training center and a student activities center. The voids also allow the building to respond to the users and surrounding context and turn it into a vessel for interaction. The different heights of voids create a three-dimensional Suzhou garden within the building, and provide rooms for sustainable features such as the introduction of natural daylight and ventilation.

Xi’an Jiaotong–Liverpool University is a new international university jointly founded by Xi’an Jiaotong University China and the University of Liverpool UK as a joint venture. The Administration Information Building recently topped other category winners and won the Grand Prize at South China Morning Post Chivas 18 Architecture and Design Awards 2014. It also received a Platinum award under Architecture, Building and Structure Design at A’ Design Awards 2013 – 2014 and was shortlisted in the World Architecture News Commercial Awards 2013.

from  archdaily


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