*오디토리움 [ Dehullu Architecten ] Kortrijk auditorium_features vertical bricks

오디토리움은 병원내 위치한 미팅센터의 일부분으로 거대한 병원 마스터 플랜 속에 배치된다. 하지만 건축가가 추구하는 공간의 지향점은 거대한 규칙 속 정형화된 공간의 연속이 아닌 아이텐티한 캐릭터를 갖는 공간의 실현, 구속으로 부터의 자유로운 공간적 경험을 이끄는 건축물 구현에 있다. 사실 이번 오디토리움 프로젝트는 병원 규모에 비해 매우 미비한 규모로, 병원시설내 미팅센터의 리노베이션 프로젝트 중 일부분이지만 독창적인 캐릭터로 주변 건축물(병원 건물)과 차별화되는 별개의 건축환경을 가능케 한다. 기존(오래된) 빌라의 리노베이션으로 시작된 미팅센터 그리고 오디토리움은 독창적인 외형 및 공간 구성을 위해 수직형 벽돌을 적층하며 고유한 곡선과 형태를 완성한다. (300명 가량의 방문객 수용, 230석 규모의 오디토리움)

reviewed by SJ,오사

The auditorium is part of a meeting centre that is situated on the site of the general hospital of AZ Groeninge in Kortrijk, Belgium. The hospital itself and all of the infrastructure is designed on a strict cartesian grid.

Compared to the hospital the auditorium is only a tiny building, it is located in a corner of the site. It was the intention of the architects to design a building with its own identity, a building on which the cartesian grid was not imposed. It is a hide-out for the staff of the hospital, a place to be away from professional obligations, well integrated in the green surroundings. The building is distinct, and has a gracious and optimistic elegance.

The new building is an extension to an old "villa" that was transformed into a meeting centre with six meeting rooms. The new extension holds catering facilities and is equipped with high-end projection technology in the main auditorium. Also, due its location, it creates a double new entrance to the complex on two different levels. The slope of the main auditorium bridges these two different levels.

In the use of materials it is striking that the bricks in the facade are placed vertically. Because of the shape of the walls, it was the most logical way to place them. The use of the golden doors in the interior is a reference to the old villa. The hall with the main staircase is lit by Light Blubs, an artwork by the Dutch designer Pieke Bergmans.

The meeting centre can be used by approximately 300 visitors. In the main auditorium 230 people can be seated.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY