*코카콜라 리싸이클 3D 프린터 ekocycle cube by will.i.am + coca-cola 3D prints using recycled plastic bottles

3개의 코카콜라 플라스틱 병 그리고 아이폰 케이스. 에코싸이클 큐빅 프린터 프로젝트는 코카콜라와의 콜라보레이션을 통해 지속가능한 3D 패브릭케이션 생태환경을 구축한다. 이전 소비를 통해 사용된 플라스틱 병은 3D출력을 위한 필라멘트로 재활용 (한개의 필라멘트 카트리지는 약 20온스의 플라스틱으로 재활용된다.) 된다. 컬러파레트는 레드, 블랙, 화이트 및 다양한 색상을 구현하며 웨어러블 패션 아이템, 또는 뮤직 악세사리, 아이폰 케이스, 데스크탑 데코 등의 다양한 소품이 출력 가능하다.

reviewed by SJ, 오사

will.i.am, musician, entertainer and chief creative officer of 3Dsystems, has collaborated with coca-cola to create the ekocycle cube 3D printer, a device which promotes sustainability and environmental responsibility by printing with filaments made from post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. each ekocycle cartridge is made in part from recycled 20oz plastic containers, and are available in a color palette of red, black, white and natural. one capsule turns the equivalent of 3 used bottles into a wearable fashion item, music accessory, iPhone case or desktop décor. the device will be available to purchase at cubify.

will.i.am describes that the goal of ekocycle is topartner with the most influential brands around the world and use technology, art, style and inspiration to change an entire culture. we will make it cool to recycle, and we will make it cool to make products using recycled materials. this is the beginning of a more sustainable 3d-printed lifestyle. waste is only waste if we waste it.’

from  designboom


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